Hey everybody, recently, I have been hearing people complain about how they haven't seen many obstacle courses in custom games. So, I went ahead, and made an ovstacle course of my own. The map is called "HLG Course #1", because it is considered "HLG", or in other words "hiding league gaming", and it is the first course I have made. Please download it off this link from Bungie, where you can see a screenshot of the map. And while you are there, don't forget to download my custom "HLG" game variant, which will assist you in getting through my map. The link for the Map is below: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21504170 Thanks guys, and remember to leave comments on what you think should be on the next course I make! -AZ
First of all, welcome to Forge Hub! And seconds of all, your post needs pics or no one will know what they're downloading. Try getting some screenshots and embedding on here. Feel free to PM me with any questions you have on getting them up and running
HLG is hidden laegue gaming/gamers not what you said lol, so you might wanna change it, also get some pics
Alright, im on it, sorry, as you can tell, im new, but the only problem is that I don't have a right click button on my mouse, and it gets dicey when I have to copy an paste, so thanks for the heads up, i'll try to do what I can... -AZ