
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Crimson Flux, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Crimson Flux

    Crimson Flux Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    MAP: Observatory
    CANVAS: Impact

    DOWNLOAD LINK: XBL Gamertag "Crimson Flux"

    PLAYER COUNT: 4-16
    GAMETYPES: FFA/Team Slayer, Flag, King, Ball (see fileshare)

    Current Version: 2.0



    SCREENSHOTS: Thanks to levelsave.com for extraction guide!

    - Spawn/Ordnance Maps


    - Exterior

    - Interior
    Core Room



    Teleporter (red spawn)

    Teleporter (blue spawn)

    - Hazard Zones
    Hazard 1 Exterior

    Hazard 1 Interior

    Hazard 2 Exterior

    Hazard 2 Interior

    - Aesthetics

    - Loadout Cameras
    Red Team:

    Blue Team:


    - Asymmetric (not your cut and dry MLG map)
    - Single level with multiple slopes
    - Extensive use of cover
    - Balanced travel times to heavy combat areas/ordnance drops
    - Teleporter (holds true to balanced travel times)
    - Wreckage zones with hazards
    - Center room with ladder mechanic
    - Ascetic docking/circling space crafts
    - Fantastic flow with easily distinguishable features (again, no need for team colors on every wall)

    This stellar observatory has suffered heavy meteor damage. Some causeways are exposed to the hazardous radiation of space, draining shields in a soft kill zone with 50% gravity, but they are easily navigated in under 3 seconds. Both red and blue team have equal travel times to the central core room where initial ordnance drops (SAW and Damage Boost). While the map has a somewhat linear flow to the central room, a teleporter prompts perpendicular travel to low "heat" zones on the edges of the station. The teleporter not only serves to put traffic in all zones on the map, it is also an added escape route if you suddenly become overwhelmed, especially in objective game types. During playtesting, most of the "heat" has been located in the center and near the teleporters, which means it doesn't take half the game to find out where the fight is. The multiple approaches to the central room make for fantastic flanking and rewards well-organized teams.

    I have uploaded custom game variants for FFA/Team Slayer, King, and Team Flag to my file share that are tailored to the map's features.

    Customized personal ordnance drops to fit with the map. Not everyone can run around with an Incineration Cannon. I've also removed the kill cam and have turned on friendly fire. No more grenade spam without consequence.

    5 caps to win and 15 second player flag returns (35 second standard returns). Friendly fire is on. I feel like the map has enough mobility that if you can sit on your flag for 15 seconds, the game needs to move forward...

    Hills are set to progressive spawning and are on timers instead of scoring. Each hill lasts two minutes for a total of ten minutes with five hills in strategic areas. In Team King, not only is friendly fire on, but I have also added team difference scoring; the more players in the hill, the more time the team gets. I think this is an interesting mechanic because it can reward greed or get your entire team overkilled.

    Standard ball, Team has friendly fire.

    Note: Map variant titled "Observatory" on file share will be the most current version...

    2.0 - Fixed dynamic lighting, changed SAW to StickyDet, removed DB, decreased number of fusion coils and changed their locations to contain blast, changed oddball location.
    1.9 - Fixed escapes from kill zones in hazard areas (thanks Majateka)
    1.8 - Added more cover near shield door areas to encourage movement
    1.7 - Public release

    External Showcases:
    #1 Crimson Flux, Dec 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2013

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