Observation Lab v2 created by: DieHardAssassin Game Type: Survival Supports 16 Players Initial Zombie Count: 25% Number of Rounds: 5 Next Zombie(s): Random Zombie Traits: 50% Health Energy Sword Infinite Ammo Enhanced 25m Sensors Forced Color: Black Human Traits: Smg, Magnum Player Gravity: 150% No Sensors Respawn Settings: Unlimited Lives 2 second Invulnerable Problems are fixed, and v2 is here. Issues fixed: Spawn Killing Campability Human survival length Humans start out looking down on the Zombies that are out to kill them. DO NOT FALL INTO THE ZOMBIE PIT To obtain a shotgun means going to the Zombie filled pit, if you believe it is worth it. There is also a Flamethrower that is only available the first 15 seconds of the game, then it is launched into the zombie pit. After 15 seconds, the Zombies are released and may choose 4 different routes. Left> Man Cannon Left Route to the side of the Humans Right> Man Cannon Right Route to the other side of the Humans If you go up the Man Cannons, they will launch you randomly, either right on top of the Humans, Behind them, or in front of them. This adds differential, and having to watch every direction. The Zombies will mainly come from above, the sides, and possibly the pit if you get too close. When going up the Man Cannons, you will recieve a Custom Powerup that lasts 4 seconds, this will allow the zombies to have... Poor Camo 200% Speed This should easily be enough to kill the humans within minutes. Pictures: Dont Get Too Close. Beginning Grenade Hole Cant get out until... 15 seconds. Which path will you take? Man Cannon + PowerUp Hallway to attack the humans from the side Attacking from the side Spawn killing wont work. Game Over Download Map http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55251772 Download Game Variant http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55251753
haha awesome dude. I like how they fly in from the roof. Its like your all sitting there... then you get raped from above... yeah. but awesome job on all the interlocking. Its nice to seem something new everyonce in a while. Yes. Yes. thumbs up
very creative map and concept. interlocking looks great and i dont see any major flaws except the fact that there are too many power weapons but that might just enhance gameplay all together... any way 5/5 map!
i realy loved the first one but this one is 5x better i would have to say this is one of the best infection maps ever made 10/10 my freind
Sweet, this is probably your best map out of the 3 maps that you've uploaded in one day . It looks really fun and very creative. Well made map and gametype. Good job. Hope to see more!
Glad to see that you've taken out the turrets. You can no longer jump down with a turret and spawn kill. The only problem with this map is that there will always be shmuks jumping down. Other than that the map looks well constructed.
well the map looks really good and i like it how the zombies can come from any direction. the best part about this is your gametype because you set it to 2 second invunerablity. that is great because i personally hated being spawn killed. one thing you should fix is those mancannons because it may not always work.
The mancannons wont always lauch you all the way over the humans, but it may, and it may launch you right on top of them, and it may launch you ontop of the bridges, its all different every time
what a great idea awesome! I'll check it out! It's very well done, the concept is amazing! You fixed everything! It looks great!
what a great idea awesome! I'll check it out! It's very well done, the concept is amazing! You fixed everything! It looks great!