
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xxJSGC123xx, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    "In a battle situation, this ancient mountain facility becomes the closest thing to Hell on Earth."

    This map is a large interior multi-floored map that provides awesome gameplay in all compatible gametypes (the custom gametype download link is HIGHLY recommended; it's a Slayer variant specifically made for this map). Please check out the pictures and video of it to get a better view of it (BELOW).

    ‪Halo: Reach Forge World Map- Oblivion‬‏ - YouTube




    And just in case you missed it...


    Edited by merge:

    FOR EVERYONE VIEWING THIS THREAD: This map was designed and built very much with Slayer-oriented gametypes in mind, which is why there are very few compatible objective gametypes. If you download the map and like it, or if you like it just by viewing the pictures and video of it above, and want to see things like CTF and Assault etc on it then PLEASE message me and I shall edit the map and then reupload the map to bungie.net. Thanks in the meantime and ENJOY!!

    Edited by merge:

    Actually also... PLEASE DOWNLOAD IT! Thank you very much!
    #1 xxJSGC123xx, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  2. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    Erm, dude forgive me but what sounds classic exactly?

    ELYKNORPAC Forerunner

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    Looks good but seems like the people on the top floor would control the map way to easy.
  4. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    Yes, very true, which is why I ensured that in all compatible gametypes I a.) everyone starts on the top floor and b.) that there is an even(ish) balance of weapons top/bottom. Also there is quite a bit of cover on the bottom (e.g. the centre ring section of the map) and easy access to all other floors from there (i.e. the lifts and the staircases etc). Thanks for the reply though btw.
  5. Papamidnight

    Papamidnight Forerunner

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    AWESOME! this map looks really really good man!
    im really liking the flow of aesthetics throughout the entire structure, Great job!
    sadly, im a little dyslexic and got very confused by the images, is the bottom a pit or sumthing or are the dark tunnels supposed to be the bottom (labels might be helpful :p)
    also, the weapons seem to be rediculously close together allowing for people to pick up more than one powerweapon, mybe you could move them apart a little?
    besides that this map looks so intense ima DL it right naOw!!!
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Very poor map design here. This looks like something from a playlist from back during the Forgetacular contest called Community Slayer. That's not a good thing, just so you know. That playlist was filled with broken maps in its entire life-span.

    So you're going to give everyone full map control right from the start of the match? That's just another step taken in making this map worse than it already is. You aren't very experienced if you think that can be passed off as a fix.

    I can tell that it's not going to play well from the design. I suggest dropping this project as a whole and making a real effort to forge a map. I have to wonder if this is supposed to be some kind of joke. Maps like this were only around on release, when everyone was just rushing to create the first maps in Reach.
    #6 4shot, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  7. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    I'm sorry you think so man. Please do tell me why this map 'sucks' as you're right, I'm not a very experienced Forger and would appreciate some advice so I can improve, not just criticisms, but I do try my best. When I said they all start on the top floor, I meant in terms of Team Slayer and Big Team Slayer; sorry, I should've clarified that. If they both start facing eachother at opposite sections of the map then what's the problem? Please do tell me as again I'd appreciate some advice instead of merely being told that my maps blows.

    Edited by merge:

    Erm, I'm sorry to say that I've already tested this map and everyone who played on it said that it yielded actually pretty decent gameplay and actually liked the layout of it. I wouldn't have said that myself in the description if I hadn't tested it. Please give me some reasons already as I'm starting to think you're a hater.

    Edited by merge:

    You have to be the least helpful douchebag I've seen on this site. Are you going to give me any reasons as to why this map is supposedly 'terrible' or are you going to continue giving the impression that you're merely a hater who actually has no legit criticisms?

    Edited by merge:

    Hey thanks a lot for the comments man, I appreciate it. Just check out the video of it if you want to get a better idea of how it works, but those tunnels form the ground level centre section of the map, and are accessed by the staircases on either side and by the tunnel entrances on opposite sides of the map. Basically, there are four entrances to that inner section.
    #7 xxJSGC123xx, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    First off, you're building in the Coliseum. This should only be done as last resort to avoid frame-rate issues from a map you've already started, or to cut down on pieces for a budget map.

    Secondly, you're using building pieces. These are sometimes fine to use, but the way you've used it on this map is a complete overkill. Just look at a few of the screenshots and you'll see what I mean.

    Obviously I have not played your map, but seeing your design, I can already tell enough that it isn't going to play well and it won't be able to be fixed without changing it into an entirely different map. I suggest just starting a new project, and only posting it in the main maps section after you've thrown it into the Tester's Guild and then the Review Hub, as well as learning from any and all feedback you get before, during, and after the testing process.

    This project won't get you anywhere. Let go of it and try something else. I'd also recommend posting a preview to any of your future maps in Forge Discussion, and perhaps holding some kind of public beta to help improve your map before release. Only after this is done should a map finally get released. If more people followed these directions, Forgehub would be a better place. People would be able to find quality maps everywhere, instead of having to look for a few hours to find a single decent map.

    Sadly, this is not the case. There are many bad maps on Forgehub that receive false feedback from those who have not yet played it, many examples being here, or friends of the creator giving false feedback. False feedback sometimes happens to good maps, but this is rare. You really have to pick out feedback from many different posts in order for your map to improve. The official Review Hub reviews are the only truly credible reviews on this site.

    There are a lot of great maps that get buried behind good looking maps, too. This happens everywhere throughout Forgehub, the only place where it's positive being the Aesthetics section, for obvious reasons.

    I gave you some very good reasons why this is a bad map in my previous post, but my next post gave many more. Stop being so egotistical or you'll never even start to improve your mediocre maps.

    And you'd have to be one of the thousands of arrogant fools that roam around this site, refusing to accept true feedback in favor of the strictly positive feedback. I'm being very helpful, but you're blinding yourself from this truth.

    Example of what I mean.
    #8 4shot, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I don't feel the need to say that this map is impressive, but I can give you a few tips that might help you out with future projects.

    First, please don't rape the bridges and platforms section of the forge list. Bridges don't HAVE to be used as bridges. Use them as walls or perhaps borders.

    Sometimes people don't realize that pieces in the forge list don't necessarily need to be used as their lables suggest.

    Example: Pyramids. Have you ever flipped it upside down to see the design on the bottom? You could easily use that as walling for your map. It's wide, the texture is great.

    Hell, I've used pyramids for walling, as with many other forgers.

    I think this is one of the most important thing for forgers to learn about. Of course, there are many more important things as well.

    Second, don't use lights on maps- They cause framrate lag, which ruins gameplay. Lights are the number one cause of framerate lag. Avoid ANYTHING with lights on it.

    I've had to remove lights on my maps all the time. Sometimes though, maps can pull it off. It all depends on your use of forge pieces and budget.

    Third, when I was watching your very long video, I noticed quite a bit of Z-fighting. (Two objects fighting for space.) I highly suggest you move one of the two blocks up by clicking in on the left thumbstick while pressing the left or right bumbers. That way it will remove that obnoxious flickering and reduce framrate lag. It also makes your map look more professional.

    The main thing I can tell you is to learn from the best. Go to the "Featured maps" section and download all of the competitive maps from there. Then, take apart the maps and study the object use. You will be suprised at what you find. Those maps are the best and the best to learn from.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me. I'll gladly share with you everything I know about forging. Goodluck.
    #9 Eightball, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  10. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    im impressed. not alot of maps out there can put up with confined spaces such as in the Colosseum. There seems to be alot of hiding places in here as well as many ways to get to the top. I cant judge through perfectly from the pictures but I like it but not too much for my download. It still lacks alittle of a spark to make it stand out of every map i see all the time. but i like your design on the tunnels.
  11. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    Dude, you were not being helpful before that extremely useful and elongated post of yours, which actually gave me some reasons as to why you think this map is bad. With all due respect, this map has already been tested and I received positive feedback all round. Obviously there were some negatives but hey, I'm a new Forger. Honestly, now that you've backed your opinion up I respect it, as before all you were doing was seemingly hating on the map for reasons without support. I'm not egotistical, I just got frustrated after two polite requests for help but you still didn't listen. Now that you have done, I thank you for it.

    Edited by merge:

    Hey there thank you very much for your feedback. Despite what you've pointed out in terms of framerate lag (and of course I agree with you), I've already played on the map with ten people and the framerate never juddered. The only thing that does irritate me is the Z-fighting, so I'll fix that. Yeah I usually improvise quite a lot on my maps in the way you mentioned; there's actually quite a lot, maybe not immediately visible, on this map, but of course you have to dissect it and then see. Please could you check out another of my maps, 'Retribution', and tell me what you think? I think it has the majority of what you're after as for 'Oblivion' it was my first attempt at this kind of map. Thanks again though.

    Edited by merge:

    Dude with all due respect why should I be listening to you if you are completely destroying this map with criticisms and haven't even played on it? You're therefore one of the people giving 'false feedback' The people I played with actually were not friends, they were people from matchmaking who I invited. I did that three times and made sure I got feedback from the majority of them, and the majority of them (with exceptions, of course) said that it was well built, well designed and they liked the gameplay, three things which you have completely and utterly condoned in your feedback. I suggest playing maps before you give completely damning feedback.
    #11 xxJSGC123xx, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    My controller is currently broken, so I can't possibly play the map.

    Also, it's not a good idea picking up randoms from matchmaking. Most of them are incompetent and understand little to nothing about what makes a good map. I mean, a lot of them enjoy maps like Enclosed, Pinnacle, and Uncaged, all of which are very poor maps. Instead, I suggest getting extremely good forgers to help test your map in order for it to improve. After it has gone through the Tester's Guild and Review Hub, of course.

    My point still stands. This map is something that most beginners could come up with in barely a week. Even at its best, it's barely average. Drop the project and come up with something better. Just mess around in forge until an idea hits you. This is seriously something that looks like it came out of the map rush last September.
  13. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    Ok I'll 'fess up now. Sorry I got a bit frustrated, but I meant to say that I'm not aiming to go very far with these maps; I just wanted to try my hand at this kinda thing since I've got some free time and just wanted to make a few maps that I could play with friends and anyone who's online, and thought I'd just see how I went by joining Forge Hub and sharing them. Atm, I don't intend to go much further as I haven't made a proper attempt at making a properly forged map. I made these as a big experiment, as I don't want to spend too much time on this, hence the extensive use of building items, but still with a bit of proper forging so I can develop a kind of aptitude for it. That's also why I went for randomers on matchmaking, because that's who I'd be targeting, not keen forgers like you guys. However, if/when I decide to knuckle down and do a proper attempt at a map, would you mind if I asked you to check it out? As when I do decide to start 'pro forging' I'd want a bit of feedback so I could go in the right direction. Thanks for the comments btw as they are helpful; they do tell me what I need to do if/when I want to start doing this pro.

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