Oblivion Arena Created by Rastapasta12 Supported Gametypes: Elder Scrolls Elder Ball Map Description: I based this map of the Arena in one of my all time faveorite games Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Oblivion arena is a Oddball, Rumble Pit, and Team Slayer based map. I recommend using the game types i listed at the top. In each starting point (The Bloodworks as its known in Oblivion) near the exit there are a Battle Rifle (Bow and Arrow), Energy Sword (Iron Sword), and Gravity Hammer (Iron Warhammer). Inside the arena on top of on of the pillars is a firebomb grenade(Fire Spell). On another pillar there is a trip mine (Cave Trap). In the very middle a power drain (Health Drain Potion) and Oversheild (Sheild Spell) spawn after 180 seconds. In each corner of the arena there are 2 plasma grenades (Frost Spell). Edit: I realize that the blood works are not on the same level as the arena. It is like this because when i was filling in the ground level I forgot to save and instead of starting a new round I ended the game. I didn't have the patience to re-do it so i did this. ___________________________________________________________________ An Overview One of the Bloodworks Entrances One of the "Torches" in the arena Spectator Seats In Action: Slayer Oddball THANKS FOR ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS THIS AND GIVES FEEDBACK. Download Map Download Slayer Variant Download Oddball Variant
Looks like a fun map that is good for 1 vs 1! I'll download and play my friend 1 vs 1 just to prove that I'm better than him lol.
i love that game,but i don't think it was right to forge it on halo because you have to use the honor rule.sorry. 2/5
nice job! i too love oblivion, what a freaking addicting game, and nice reproduction of it into halo 3. good work!
Yep, deffinately. I can totally see it, its got to be it. It's an arena no question about it. It's an ARENA and it doesn't suck for an arena. If I see another person give some bad rep about this map with no proffesional reason, well, I'll be angry and give them bad rep. Please don't do it. It's good for 1v1 or for a special gametype. 4/5 Oh and Rasta don't double post. That's bad, mkay.
looks really good but you chould spend more time one the spectator seats and put spawns in the bloodwork
i love oblivion, but think this should go in casual. looks pretty nicely done though. and did you know you can get out of the arena in oblivion