Obliteration is a map I made in the crypt of sandbox that is open enough for vehicles to easily fight on ground, while infantry units can travel around against the walls, safe from vehicles. An original centre-piece by me is also present. I also included a pink light, usually now it is my signature move. I made it work for slayer, assault, one flag, king of the hill, oddball, and infection. Here it can be found for download... http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70994083 Screenshots...
you need to embed screenshots, to do so go to halocsreenshots.net type in your gamertag click upload find the screenshots you want and copy & paste to BB code (high impact halo) over here you have 24 hours before this thread is locked/ removed
Want help in embedding pics then look no further than my post, if you are so desperately wanting to show off your maps then at least learn how to meet Forge hub's standards (or at least the pic's standards) located in this link!
This method of getting your screenshots embedded is easier than Wallingjam's Spoiler You also need a download link for your map. You have 24 hours since you posted... so from now... 21 hours.
Alright... lol i didnt know i just signed up for forge hub today... Always forged though xD All fixed now!