Hey there. I might've posted a few but it still doesn't hurt to introduce myself; I'm the Canadian with an urbane charm. That whole drama, political stuff doesn't concern me, but only music and the novelty stuff. Synthesizers kick so much ass. I also came down to get into Forging. There's just so much you can do if you put some effort into it, so I'm willing to jump the bandwagon. Simply put: I like Reach, you guys like Reach. All is well.
Oh, Insane got you good. Although he's practically in Canada himself... We all like Reach, but I hear that a couple of Medal of Honour fans snuck in last night and desecrated the forums...We'll put you on watch tonight. XD
Let's just say it's a pricey igloo. And the whole MoH deal? That's about as average as things can be, nothing that big of a deal.