Is it underrated? It seems every time it gives the option to play anything other than the ever-so redundant slayer, people scream "VETO!!!". I don;t understand why. Sure, Slayer is fun, but every once in a while, I'd like to play CTF, or whatnot. My only conclusion is that their minds can't process quickly enough to do anything besides KILL. When asked to get a flag, or arm a bomb, they can't. Tell me what you think.
Flag is the best gametype. I never get to play it though... I think the problem is that people don't want to have to worry about another objective other than killing. They don't like to 'waste time' running the flag or bomb or whatever. To me, there is nothing like running a flag.
What the hell? This is completely based off opinion. If you like objective, you're going to think it's underrated, and if you hate objective, obviously you would disagree. Are you trying to find other people who enjoy objective?
I don't having 1/2 slayers on the team so that people can run the flag,arm the bomb/get more hill time, they are needed. If you want to play objective you obviously search in objective. I just hate it when juggernaut gets vetoed in rumble pit because thats the only playlist you can get it in and you barely ever get it even in that.
There isn't much you can do about the stupidity of online matchmaking players. All they want to do is kill. They don't cooperate. They are mindless idiots with only two purposes, to scream "VETO! OMG you noobs VETO!!!!!!!! CTF SUCKS!!!!" and to kill. They usually aren't good at that either. That's the kind of thing that makes me switch out Halo and put in a new game.
Um... there are Matchmaking playlists for objective and several playlists exclusive for Slayer. If you want to play objective then don't go into the Slayer Playlists. Unless you're in Lone Wolves or Rumble pit, but since Flag is not offered in either I don't really see what your problem is. It's just a matter of opinion. I'd assume Slayer is so popular is because in Slayer you really get to utilize the map and it's inhabitants. In objective, the focus point is where the flag is, or where the hill is. You cannot say, we all hate slayer based on a few games of Matchmaking. You're just entering games with people who happen to prefer Slayer. If I may ask, what playlist were you entering where people were against objective?
Probably a BTB or MLG list. Me and my friends love objective because I love the gametypes and my friends can get all the kill they want. CTF: Its fun storming into a base and stealing something ASSAULT: Make **** go boooooom and it is also a fight TERRITORIES: It's like a real battle VIP: Pretty fun if you have guys playing defence I hate oddball and KOF though, all it is grenade spam and camping sheild doors. Oddball is fun on gaurdian and I would probably like KoF if there were no starting nades.
Yeah, you're not alone. I love objective games! The only objective games I actually hate are KotH and VIP. Hate KotH for the same reason Blakem0n doesn't like it: it's just grenade spamming. VIP COULD be good, but that's only if you actually have a few guys going out and doing some defense, but even if you have a team of people you know well, chances are they're not gonna do it, thinking that whoever is VIP can defend themselves well enough without their help (not a good idea, for any one wondering). But, I have to admit, Slayer is funner than objective gametypes, for me. It's really simple, kill and try not to die. Anyway, the point is that the majority of people don't like objective probably because they don't know how to do anything except shoot and kill......which is really weird, 'cause they'd probably be good defenders if they just stayed around the objective.
Which is why Bungie has put Team Slayer and Team Objective into matchmaking as two separate playlists.
Well, sure everyone is going to veto it because the majority of people don't like playing objective games. I love CTF and KOTH, but hate all the other types. This is mostly because I don't feel like I am contributing to the game as much as I really am like in slayer. Also, it seems that teams are almost always so equally matched, the game goes on forever, or so unequally matched one team doesn't have a chance. Not only that, but halo itself does not have what I consider the proper mechanics to play most objective games. It has good mechanics for CTF, unlike call of duty which is terrible. It has terrible mechanics for assault, unlike call of duty which has great mechanics. It depends on the way the game plays, that ends up making or breaking the objective based multiplayer. Think about it, you have low gravity in halo, with high speed, and ALOT of health compared to most games. Maybe it's the game, not the gametype.
Yes, I know there are playlists for objective games. I often play Social Skirmish. Some playlists, however have both slayer and objective games. Such as MLG, BTB, Swat, and both FFAs. I am not an anit-slayer person. I enjoy both. That is why I like to play these. But, often only slayer comes. Then finally I get an objective game. A high percentage of the time it's vetoed.
I veto objective for two reasons: 1. The other team has more players than us 2. I'm not playing with people I know or people who don't have mics. I do like objective games though, especially when lots of teamwork is involved.
objectives are fun with teams like 6v6 and stuff but i dont like ffa objectives koth i think sucks oddball ok neutrl bomb is cool flag is prolly the best one out of all with the whole protecting and killing and and infiltrating there base VIP is fun when you have a team that knows how to play
I can understand those. But, the people I am talking about have no valid reason. They just dislike it.