I searched high and low and couldn't find any substantial discussion about the object displacement that I find in all your greatest maps. As a perfectionist, I can't tolerate my maps being plagued by this bug The bug I'm referring to occurs mostly when rotating an object along the z-axis. Once the map is saved and reloaded, those objects move slightly out of place. This can be identified by clicking on the object while you have Rotation Snap on. You may also notice coordinates switching around in the Edit Coordinates menu. My latest map has run into this problem and I can't find a workaround My specific example includes two Colosseum Walls being rotated 90 degrees along the z-axis to create a floor, some columns at 45 degree angles, and an upside-down rock. None of them stay put
Actually, there is a discussion about this issue on ForgeHub. Link. There is a solution explained in that thread, but personally I wouldn't be bothered too much with this issue. I'm a perfectionist myself as well, and in the beginning it really pissed me off too, but it's just not worth it to put so much effort and pain into such an annoying little issue, because in the end nobody will notice it anyway if you have it on your map, but you yourself. That's why I decided to ignore it from now on for my own maps, unless I have some time left to work on it.
As far as the coordinates switching, if you're referring to the angles the object is tilted to, I noticed that recently too. It doesn't actually effect the position of the object. It's just expressing the angle in a different way. It's really easy to see too - just place an object, rotate it by some amount (45 degrees works nicely) and then head to edit the coordinates. Then just push 'X' to exit the menu, 'B' to bring it back up, and continue doing that while watching the value for the axis you rotated the object around. Weird little nuance, but it has no effect on anything as far as I can tell. As for coordinate truncation (which causes objects to move upon reloading), yeah it's annoying as all hell, but once you understand why it's happening, it's easy to see why it works like that. You just have to decide if you're going to fight it, and tweak half the objects in your map a dozen times, or work with it, and avoid using objects outside of their intended orientation.