Many researchers now believe that the genetic mutation called the fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene is no longer wholly responsible for weight problems. A person’s level of exercise can influence the impact of the genetic predisposition to being overweight, a new study from the University of Maryland suggests. An active lifestyle may help people combat obesity, the study found. For the study, researchers measured the amount of physical activity volunteers carried out with a device called “accelerometer” and found that being genetically predisposed to obesity “had no effect on those with above average physical activity scores.” Researchers concluded that the gene variants which have been linked to obesity are associated with a 20 percent risk of obesity. “Our results strongly suggest that the increased risk of obesity due to genetic susceptibility can be blunted through physical activity,” Dr Soren Snitker, who led the research, said. But in people with low levels of physical activity, the association between the gene and increased body mass index was significant, according to the study. Another study found that half of all Europeans carry either one or two copies of this gene. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention, 25.6% of Americans are obese. The results of this study emphasize the important role played by regular physical activity in public health efforts to combat obesity, the authors added in the study published in the September 8 issue of the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. © 2007 - 2008 - eFluxMedia Obesity Gene No Longer Wholly Responsible for Overweight People
Damn, now i cant blame y oversizedniess on genes JK, I'm like the opposite of obese, legit. I'm like 5'8 and only like a buck ten. I was hanging with my neighbors and some chicks and got the nickname "little african child" haha But i knew this was true, now people like the 1400 pound man can stop blaming themselves and realize that they can change their weigfht.
People thought there was a gene for obesity in the first place? I know that some people naturally accumulate fat from foods more than others... but if you weigh OVER NINETHOUSAND!!!! or somethin' the chances are that you're just lazy. Or have a McDonalds nearby.
Wow, I would never have guessed that people might be partly to blame for being overweight. And who thought it had ANYTHING to do with diet or exercise? I sure didn't. This changes EVERYTHING!
I would have never guessed that stuffing yourself with food, poor exercise would some how contribute to being over weight!!! ROFL
Obesity is an acquired trait. If your parents are fat, chances are that the only reason you're fat is because you eat just as bad as they do.
Yea well, ever since the population of the community being fat jumped form 20% to 30%, I began to wonder. Hmm. Darn America, why can't you be skinny?