Obama Staffer Effectively Debunks McCain Ad Posted by sensico on August 9, 2008 I don’t know if this is going to be a continued strategy of the Obama campaign, but if it is then this is a great strategy. Take a McCain ad and debunk it. This one is about McCain’s latest attack ad, the one portraying Obama as a celebrity, the one that doesn’t include Paris and Britney. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGIqGaWZOo0 So, hopefully you bothered to actually watch the whole video and would like to learn more about Obama’s tax plan. Make sure you check out the sites and PDF files below to know more about the candidate’s tax and economic plans, because no one likes a low information voter First here is the fact check website: Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Tax plan http://obama.3cdn.net/b7be3b7cd08e587dca_v852mv8ja.pdf Here are some links to his voting record on taxes, Barack Obama has always been for tax reform. Even when he was in the Illinois state senate and know in the U.S. senate he has always supported tax reform. He has helped to give tax credit for those with children, expanding the EIC, and research and development see here. Obama has always been oppose not to free trade but the free trade agreements as they are now. He wants to renegotiate NAFTA and CAFTA because in the industrial states they don’t help the middle class gain jobs. He also plans to give tax cuts for college students, people with middle class incomes, and he doesn’t want seniors to pay taxes if they make less then a certain amount of money. He also wants to reform the tax system to make it simpler see here. He also has a number of other issues that you can see by clicking below. More on Obama’s Senate Voting record on taxes Tax Reform | U.S. Senator Barack Obama Here's his plans economic website that simplifies everything http://www.barackobama.com/issues/economy/#tax-relief Long PDF file highlighting his economic agenda for the middle class http://www.barackobama.com/issues/economy/Obama_Keeping_Americas_Promise.pdf Short simplified version of his economic agenda http://www.barackobama.com/issues/economy/EconomicPolicyFullPlan.pdf His plan for small businesses http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/SmallBusinessFINAL.pdf source site
Have you ever seen the "Obama girl" on Youtube, i think thats the name One sec... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKsoXHYICqU
So basically what you're saying is that you don't take in any information given to you? You're telling me that you encapsulate the dictionary deffinition of the word 'dumb', basically? Did you watch the video? Or read any of the OP? What about the links? Did you click on any of them at all? Hmm.. How old are you? Did you attend school? Any form of education? I'm just trying to establish whether or not you're a retard, or just acting like one.
I think the debunking of John McCain's adds is a great strategy, as long as it doesn't become mud-slinging by the Obama camp. I heard on CNN that one of McCain's tax ideas was to charge a flat rate based on income levels, and I think that is just plain stupid