Obama assasination attempt foiled

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by desert elite, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    wow! that would have been so sad if he died. i am also an obama supporter
  3. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Umm Malcolm X just spread hate, I wouldn't call him a 'great person'

    John F. Kennedy was probably one of our worst Presidents we have, his idiotic way of handling the Cuban Missile Crisis was pure luck that it worked.

    Robert Kennedy was just as bad as his brother, they just received too much publicity...

    but yeah, Obama will be assassinated, there is no doubt about it, he basically gave up his life to open up black presidential candidates.

    Sad to think of it this way, but there will be a bunch of people who won't want a black president, and will go to extreme lengths to make sure there isn't one. He better choose a good running mate.

    I'm not an Obama supporter, but I don't want him dead either, that's just plain creepy.
  4. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Believe it or not there are racisist people out there. I saw the article too. i'm glad they foiled it
  5. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Yeah but if they managed to assassinate him there would be riots all over Americas major citys such as the L.A riots when the cops beat an african american man.Imagine how it would be if it was Obama I will pray for him.
  6. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    good point man it would be like a second civil war

    in a way. except african americans v. Racicists
  7. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Actually there'd be no riots

    just a bunch of people crying, did we riot in major cities when the twin towers fell?

    No but we did take action, and action would be taken basically, then it'd be over.
  8. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    hold on that was not americans doing that that was terrorists.

    it was going to be 4 americans doing this and it would be H U G E:surprise:mg:
  9. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    wow thats um...really...is he that important
  10. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I don't think you fully understand what you're talking about, so what if it was terrorists or not? More people died in the two towers, we didn't riot against muslims or anything...

    You seem to think that people will all the sudden go berserk and start randomly rioting. That will never happen....

    More action will be taken, more people would feel bad for black people, and there would be whole ceremonies talking about how Obama was a great man and helped Illinois, and more bull **** like that...

    If you are from Illinois you know Obama did nothing for us.
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    You mean is Obama that important?
  12. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    its funny that he chose biden. it means he has accepted his lack of experience.
    As for the assassination, its not a shocker. I knew there would be one, but i also knew it'd get foiled.
  13. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I am extremly happy that Obama didn't end up being assasinated, because that would case major political and social trama.
    I can't say I'm a supporter of him though.

    I think Obama has ideas that are going to make us a socialist party, which I don't like. And I don't think he's really ever said anything. (JUst my opinion) And his idea of the 1000 dollar stimulus package would never work. If the government invested that money into programs such as daycares and other services that would help people get a job, it would generate more tax revenue and stimulate the economy. Just giving people a thousand dollars will give us a quick rush, but in 2 months they'll have to do another one to stimulate it again, which is kinda in a wierd way communism.

    Now, my problems with John McCain. McCain is first, just too old to do his job. I have nothing against old people but I would just worry about his "oldies" ideas. I also do not support his views on oil. Even though I'm not a strong believer that we are the sole cause of global warming ( volcanic index is down, solar acivity is up, and we are still technically are coming out an ice age and are still about 20 degrees colder than the hottest time such as the age of the dinosaurs) I still think that the world and our country needs to go green.

    Please don't give me bad rep or hate mail for my views. It is a free country and I can be free to express my views. I'm not an exxtremist for either party and I don't like to dissapoint people. I would be happy to open up a debate forum for this because I like to debate.

    Overall, I'm glad Obama didn't get killed.
    Also, I don't like either canidate, but I DO beieve that McCain is slightly the lesser of two evils.

  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    That's ironic. Because since it's a free country, we can give -rep for having an opinion we don't necessarily agree with. D:

    I wouldn't say that Malcolm X wasn't a great person. He was just, extreme about his views.

    Anyway, I wouldn't say that about John F. Kennedy either, because it was during his term that NASA and other space missions started to gain popularity and support. (i'll look up exact years, but I am fairly certain it was during his terms, correct me if i'm wrong)

    I won't say we rioted against them, so yeah, I agree with you.

    But a couple nights later, we rocked the **** out of their world.
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Wow it ****ing sickens me all these rascists getting all butt hurt about a black president. I seriously want these ****ing souless retared put away for life for praising Hitler and their acts of violence.
  16. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    You obviously took it a bit too far, they don't praise Hitler... it'd be more like praising Nathaniel Forrest...
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Did you watch the vid? One of them have a swastika ring.
  18. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    you do know that obama wasnt at the convention right and was in a difernent state then where the 4 alleged gunmen were
  19. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    And this proves that they would've failed anyway. And they were still going to commkit the crime. There is a charge for attempted murder.
  20. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    also the men were on meth and meth was found in there car i believe

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