
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by da grey knight, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. da grey knight

    da grey knight Forerunner

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    oasis is a slayer map that is well built and has a wide aray of fun ways to play the game, if you like a open map where you can dmr and use a sniper rifle at a mid range then there are aeras that are built for this, then you have the close range areas where you dominate with the shotgun and close range battles. then you have the large open areas of the map where you can use the sniper rifle to good effectivnes while it not been over powered or any lack of cover. and one last thing is that i am 100% shure there are no glitch spots on this map as i have spent hours upon hours of bug testing to make this as fun and enjoible as possible.
    man cannons placed around the map offer alternate routs and a fast way of travle/ red spawn
    blue stockpile spawn (not slayer spawn)
    another man cannon and blue sniper spawn
    the rock witch this map is samed after and also the rockets spawn behing the piller
    blue spawn at bottom left and accros you can see the buildings where you want to gain controll of early
    shoty spawn nd a hill 4 KOTH
    blue snipe
    back of blue spawn
    conecting the 2 buildings togeather as well as reds sniper spawn
    a nice view of the map
    this is a show of my fail sign for anyone that likes to fall off the edg and also of the outer ramps
    this teliporter is found in the same place in each building and takes you to the top floor, this is good because it adds another suprise rout you can use to take out a team in a good setup
    map contains
    4 dmrs
    2 nedler rifles
    2 plasma repeaters
    2 snipers
    1 grenade launcher
    1 shotgun
    1 rocket launcher
    plus 2 mongooses that only spawn in team games

    maker Da Grey Knight
    is you go to download plz tag the map as you do because then i can spread this map faster and eventualy get it into matchmaking

    Edited by merge:

    o and there was an error message with the desplay picture soz bout that
    #1 da grey knight, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010

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