Sandbox Nusquam Novus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kapura, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After about a week and a half of near-constant toil, testing, and retoil, I'm ready to post my newest map, Nusquam Novus, to Forgehub.
    The name is latin for "Nothing new" reflecting that this is a remake of an earlier map of mine from Foundry, Colonnade. Actually, it's more of a reimagining. Anybody who has played Colonnade will have no problems finding their way around Nusquam Novus, as the three paths have remained essentially intact.
    However, there are differences. For those who've played Colonade, the changes are as follows:
    • Bases reduced and redesigned
    • In-base Plasma Rifles and Mauler replaced with Spikers
    • Cover in front of the base reduced and redesigned
    • Shotguns removed
    • Center structure interior opened up significantly and Sword added
    • Top of Center Structure has much higher walls
    • Overshield and Rockets swapped places
    • Jump from Rockets to Overshield added. Jump on the low ledge against the wall, than to the small platforms on the sides of the overturned ramp
    • Trip Mine added opposite Ghost in center
    • Brute Shots by teleporters replaced with Needlers
    • BRs moved off of pillars in front of bases.

    But Besides that, these maps are pretty much identical.

    Pictures tiem now!

    Overhead view of the interesting half of the map.

    Shot of the Center of the map. Notice the scenery around rockets/overshield, which allows you to jump up.

    Picture of Center, with Sword and Lift behind it

    Outside along the Wall and the Red Teleporter

    Shot of the Base. Notice the Sniper against the wall

    YouTube - Nusquam Novus

    Thanks to all of the people who helped me test, special thanks to Fritzster for help with design concepts in both this map and Colonnade.

    #1 Kapura, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  2. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a very fun map. i love the pillars in the middle of it. how did you make those? anyway 5/5
    keep up teh good work
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I agree, those are some pretty sexy pillars. Execution looks alright, nothing spectacular. However, I utterly disagree with the person above me for five out of five. You never played the map you dumbass, to get a perfect score, the map needs to excel in all areas. Amazing gameplay doesn't make up for the fact that the aesthetics suck, (don't worry, I'm not talk about your map ;)). You tell me how gameplay goes, I'm too lazy to DL XD
  4. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Ah, this was a very fun map to test, even tho we didnt test it on very many gametypes, it wa fun on all that we tested with (KOTH, CTF, TS)

    On the side route to the teleporter, the walkway is kind of bumpy.
    but nonetheless it has great aesthetics and wonderful gameplay/

    I like seing my self pull of that awesome stick on Skipyyyyyyyyyyy in the vid than needling everybody else from that tower, i remember doing that, it makes me feel spicial :3

    5/5, awesome aesthetics, awesome gameplay, period.
  5. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy s*** this is awesome! I was glad to see your other map Collonade to be included on Bungie Day and I had already DLed it but this far surpasses it, and the only con I see is that theres not a lot of cover in the first level. but i guess u can say thats its good for bring then. nice merging aesthetics and a very original layout. I would acctually say this map deserves featuring its so well made great job 5/5 for sure and a definate dl
  6. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    "The layout of this map is wonderful. I don't remember seeing Colonade but this map is definately memorable. Seriously I really like the ideas that are displayed here. First off, the forging looks beautiful and if there is a bump here or there who cares. When playing a few games that will really make no difference. Second, for a map with limited cover and size you captured all that could be in a smaller space. I love it and this is one of few maps on here I believe to be feature worthy. I will try and DL and give a real review later. Excellent job." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I fixed your list, you accidentally put [/list] in the front instead of just

    • On topic, this is remnicent of many of my favorite maps which you have brought together to culminate in a spectacular conjunction of gameplay and aesthetics.

      Overall, a great map and I really do hope to see more maps like this.
  8. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice job, from the pictures I'd say this map will have great gameplay and is forged great. When I play it ill edit and let you know more.
  9. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Whoops, thanks Chaos. Fixed in OP and DB. Although, it does kind of startle me that 6 posts came before people noticed the huge problem with the text.

    As for the side walkways, bumps are a fact of life. Deal. :D
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No problem, just felt the need to point it out... But yeah, its a mistake that can happen to all of us.

    Hope this isn't viewed as spam.
  11. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow! i love the hanging tower things, although i don't like how the rockets and overshield are in within a few jumps to get both of them. I would suggest taking away the sword and replacing the rockets where the sword is .overall nice map 5/5
  12. clueless16

    clueless16 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like an aswome map.The aesthetics looks great . And from what i read and saw in the vid looks like the game play is good.

    also where the flag is in each base it sort of looks like the inside of the bases from Breaver creek,well just where the flag sits any way.
    #12 clueless16, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  13. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well i have to say great job on the map. The forging looks good and i love the layout. I really think this is one of the best maps in the crypt, and nice job on cutting off some of the crypt.

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks awesome! You have my DL for sure great job :)
  15. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have another map called Colonnade? Jeez I thought I was so original in naming one of mine that :D The map looks really good but I wouldn't expect anything less from you Kapura.
  16. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the kind praise, but do any of you have any feedback after playing on the map? What did I do well, what could I do better?

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