
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Frito92, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Good job frito, this map really is a work of art (or delicious as Dr. Chombie said, lol). Love your interlocking and geo-merging. On this map, they're both at an advanced level. 5/5, great job. Keep forging, I want to see more work from you.
  2. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    I agree with bosagetismyhro. I was beginning to wonder when id finally see another map that was actually good. I like the aestetetics, but im not to sure about the weapon list. Ill DL and give it a try because you never know.

    Good Job otherwise
  3. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    The map is pretty good, kind of reminds me of my older map, FFA Radiation. I like this though, the fence box arch is a really good new turn for forging. 4.7/5
  4. Sgt B1ggl3s

    Sgt B1ggl3s Ancient
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    I'm speechless. Your map's aesthetics are awesome, and it seems that the gameplay would still remain unharmed from it. Your tunnel looks unique, with the window panels. Overall 5/5
  5. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    man, this map looks great. i always have a problem with foundry maps because they seem so small, but this map seems like you managed to reallly make the map feel large while also having some close quarters combat and overall looking very good. 5/5
  6. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    hey thanx guys for all the positive feedback... I plan on making a v2 in the near future so lemme no if u have any suggestions for the map! =]
  7. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    this should be featured this amp has so much creativity that its insane if this doesnt get featured then thats sad best map in 3 weeks beside grindstone but frito keep up the good work and u should see my awesome map that im workin on it will get featured i know it its going to be ****in insane anyway give me some good rep and i will give u some k
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This is just awesome. The design looks very good and you fence wall structure is amazing. The gameplay looks pretty fun. Very nice job, I cannot wait to play this one. I also hope that you keep making maps as good as this! Good job.
  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool, I havent seen you here before but you have a really good lookin map. This really pleases the eye. It seems a little small but I think you made up for that in height. You might have a little bit too many power weapons but that can depend on theyre respawn times and whether they spawn differently during symettrical and asymettrical games. I am sure if they did you would tell us in the post. I do wish that you posted the respawn rates and spareclip amount with the weapons list. That would give me a better idea of the gameplay. Just off the looks of the pics, I give you a 7/10. I will have to play to give a further review. As for the post, please add those respawn rates and such. Good job on a good lookin map
  10. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
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    i like how you were able to keep it from being one sided with 2 bases, while still making all the walls/floors smooth, and the placment for the sword.. genious! lol i give 5/5 great work!
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I was incredibly impressed with this map. I don't even remember downloading but it was there in my maps, so I was like hey, I'm going to play this. I only managed to get a 1v1v1 which I assume you didn't intend, but it still played very well.

    I loved the two bases, and the orientation of such. The windows are subtle, they don't provide a commanding advantage, but you can sneak a sniper shot through the sets. The map overall had a wonderful set up, mainly because I love asymmetrical, though yet it still had symmetrical elements. You did a wonderful job of providing ample cover, yet open spaces to create good medium-long distance battles, while not having the sword being completely useless. Overall, it was well constructed, and played very well.

    Issues I do have: Sword, rocket, sniper, sniper felt like a lot to me. I don't think gameplay would suffer any with the removal of the sword and moving the rocket to swords position. It felt like blue base was much closer to the rocket. Now, in the 3 person FFA, this wasn't too much of an issue, but I anticipate it being one for 2v2 play.

    Sweeny was able to break the map, though it was kinda ridiculous. Basically, he stood on the other side of the barrier on the tower opposite sword, than grenade jumped plus brute-shotted over red base. I don't fault you if you don't want to fix it, because well, it's not a huge deal in any respect. Just letting you know though.

    Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this map, it felt extremely unique. I would like to get 2v2 and 4v4 play though, and I will update with a more thorough review.

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