Nullified Forged and Designed by Ififrito92 Tested by SUPERJERK777 and ITz Miinty Recommended Players: 2-8 Weapon Layout: 2 snipers, 1 energy sword, 1 rockets, 6 BR's, 2 carbines, 2 needlers, 1 bruteshot, 2 plasma pistols, 2 plasma rifles, 2 spikers, 2 SMG's, 8 plasmas, 4 frags, 1 power drain, 1 regen, and 1 camo Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA Slayer, and Neutral Assault Finally, after over a month of forging and countless hours testing, I have finished my newest map....Nullified. This map takes the original two base layout and gives it a new twist with several multi-level platforms and unique structures. The most unique aspect of this map is its ablility to make several multi-level platforms accessible from any given point on the map via the use of man cannon lifts. This makes for great escape possiblitles and generates smooth gameplay. The map blends even weapon layout with a good amount of aesthetics. One cool feature is a geomerged tunnel that leads from one base to the other. This makes a quick but dangerous route to get to the other side of the map. The lift to get up to the BR tower has man cannons fused into the ground and is very smooth and consistent. Each base has a window panel lookout to the other and there is just enough room to snipe the other team through them. This can lead to a last minute stop of the flag return or bomb plant. Overall this map is quite a piece of work and I put many hours into constructing it. Hope you enjoy it! SCREENSHOTS: Overview 1/Sniper Spawn Side view from Red Base/BR tower on left Inside Red Base/Lookout to Blue Base BR Tower/ Geomerged Man Cannon Lift BR tower overlooking sword spawn and Red Base Rocket spawn/ Bomb spawn Blue Base/ opening to underground geomerged tunnel which leads to Red Base Looking from inside Blue Base into middle structure Middle Structure/ brute shot spawn/energy sword spawn/regen spawn/ramp up to Blue Base Download Here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details ENJOY! =]
Nice! I love the design and layout of this map. Great structures and interlocking as well as geomerging. I can really tell you spent time on this map. I don't see anything wrong with it. I will be sure to download. =) 5/5
Wow, this looks impressive. This looks like this ,map should be featured. I don't see anything terrible about this map, the merging is all excellent. GJ! 5/5, ill be sure 2 download.
This looks really good, aesthetics look great, really like your first pic, shows off your map pretty beastly. I didn't really care for the weapon placement, a rocket and a sword, on ONE MAP. I dont know maybe its just me, but I just don't like. The Map looks wonderful and I will DL. 4.5/5
Trust me, having a sword and rockets on the same map is fine...take the Pit for example...they balance out in the gameplay perfectly... {EDIT} Besides, I only made the rockets spawn with two shots in them so you can't complain that much....=]
Yes but the pit is much larger than foundry. Try replacing the rocket with a spartan laser or the sword with a mauler.
From the pictures, it looks like a pretty awesome map. I really like what you did in terms of aesthetics, especially on the structure I'm dubbing "the clocktower" that was made of several teleporters and a verticle double box. Almost every structure on this map can acurately be described as innovative, and I applaud your work. I hope to see more of your maps in the future. 4.5/5 (because no map can be perfect)
YEA!!!! finally a really good design and forged map. I was beginning to worry!lol. Anyway the maps design is spectactular. The gameplay flows great into the map. Keep forgin like this bud!
wow, this is just an amazing map. The interlocking and geomerging are flawless, especially the man-cannon! The only thing I don't get is the red base window. It doesn't seem to be looking out at anything, unless that is the point. Please clarify.
Looks great, 5/5 i love all the clean interlocking and geomerging it's great that you took the time to do such a perfect job, next time i would spend more time on the layout but besides that good job
It is facing the blue base window, but its at a slight angle so you can run back for cover quickly...=]
The sword can DESTROY gameplay on the pit sometimes. But beautiful map, and with this layout, I think It'll be balanced fine. I love you interlocking and geomerging too, and this gets 5/5
What a delicious map. An excellent use of interlocking you have used. Certain areas look very complex but no worries, I like complex. I see you have made many, many maps before and posted them but this is by far my favorite. Keep up th excellent work.
u like that man cannon geo-merged i made that part of the map and i was a tester and helped with all the bumps
I think this the map looks very well of a map. nice geomerging and interlocking and I have nothing bad to say about this map. I will have to download 5/5 PS: I also think it could be featured!!