Nucleus V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rhys J Mitchell, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Nucleus V3
    Created by RJM619

    Supported Gametypes:
    Especially designed for new gametype Conflict v1.1

    Also supports Conquest, Land Grab, Oddball, & Team Slayer.

    What is Conflict?

    Conflict is a game variant of Land Grab, based on Conquest and MLG.

    The goal is to capture the territories, but unlike Conquest, which is simple back-and-forth, Conflict maps have more than one access point to each territory, and a central territory ('The Hub'); controlling this central hub is difficult (there are multiple access points), but gives you greater command over the rest of the territories.

    The territories are mostly connected; emphasising constant combat.
    Conflict maps are simple and enclosed, with few weapons and grenades on the map. There is usually a Shotgun at the beginning for each team leader (with no spare clips, and no respawn), and a Power Weapon which appears towards the end of the round above the central hub, to give its occupier a chance for a final push.

    Further Details:
    • BR Starts
    • Increased health; the idea is that if an advancement isn't working, your team can retreat and try and different apporach.
    • No grenades - this is done to prevent spamming in enclosed maps.
    • Like Conquest; 3 rounds of 3 minutes, with a 30s Sudden Death.
    • No radars; the maps are too small, and it's more fun & competitive this way!
    This gametype was designed as an alternative to Conquest, emphasising constant combat from all angles, rather than just back-&-forth action.

    Also, I've created a Team SWAT version of Conflict. It is Conflict with SWAT rules, but with no grenade starts or weapons pick-ups, and territories lock after a 30s capture. Let me know what you think:

    Specific to this map is a KOTH version of Conflict, which sees the Hill getting smaller and smaller until players are forced to fight in the central hub.

    OK onto the map:

    Map Description

    The original Nucleus was based vaguely on a Honeycomb, but the new version has been extended to give more space to combatants.

    Version 3, however, has been extended even further, and is the first Conflict map to introduce a second level to combat, as the central hub where one territory is has been raised.

    The map has 3 territories; 2 with 3 access points each, while the central hub has 4 access points. While it is difficult to control this central hub, it gives you greater command over the rest of the map.

    Main Overview:

    The roof has been taken off for the picture. The map is inescapable. Also part of the wall for the top floor has been removed to give you a better view.

    Again, the map is inescapble. Whoever says that the mpa looks easy to escape based on the pictures gets ass-punched.

    Conflict is BR Starts

    Players start in this area:

    There is a BR which spawns every 10s with 2 clips at your left for spare ammo if you run low during battle. There's a single frag grenade in front of you that spawns every 60s; so use it wisely.

    Also for the team leader is a Needler; it has no spare clip and never respawns so use it to get an early advantage.


    There are territories in need of capture in both long corridoors.

    Overview without roof

    When inside it's very claustraphobic; I bet you wished you had saved that grenade...


    At one end there is a Spiker; very useful for supressing especially if you can get the right angle around a corner:


    Upto the central hub to capture the final territory:


    Overview of the center without roof:

    There is a deployable cover there which can be used 2-3x per round, and is very effective at blocking off one of the entrance for a limited time:


    Though holding this area is tricky it is worth it as it gives you greater control over the rest of the map:


    With 30s left of the round, a FeuL Rod Gun spawn. This is the reward forever whichever team was able to hold the centre; and gives them an opportunity for a final push:




    BR x2 (10s, 2c)
    SMG x2 (60s, 0c)
    Spiker x2 (60s, 1c)
    Needler xs (No respawn, oc)

    Frag x2 (60s)
    Plasma x2 (45s)

    Power Weapon:
    FRG x1 (150s; not placed at start, 0c)

    Deployable Cover x1 (60s)

    The amazingly detailed drawing also shows you the team starting points, and the territory areas in green.


    This is the first Conflict Map to experiment with verticality, and I think it makes the map much better. So let me know what you think, and I might start reworking some of my other maps.

    Also, if you enjoyed this map, please click the link in my sig and take a look at the other 6 Conflict Maps.

    Thanks for reading, and as always, feedback is muchos appreciated.

    Download Nucleus v3
    Download Conflict V1.1

    Download Conflict SWAT
    Download King Conflict
    #1 Rhys J Mitchell, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this is a really nice map and you pUt a lot of work in to this really nice job on the map and the post cant wait to DL
  3. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    looks like a great map for CQB fights
  4. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Good work. I haven't seen V1 or V2 before (I think) but it looks like you have really nailed it with this map. The borders of the map are really nicely interlocked and you have provided loads of cover around every corner to create the best gameplay.

    I'm glad you have chosen to use some Covenant weapons as the give colour to the map. I think KotH would play great on this and although I haven't played Land Grab in ages, it looks like it works really well. Good use of equipment and I have nothing else to say. 5/5 for this.
  5. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    pretty good map, but is REALLY messy. good job making it un-escapable. also the gameplay seems nice and the way it gives you the feel of funness (if that is a word, lol) is great! 3/5 though, so shape up those boxes!
  6. Xkreep

    Xkreep Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty good map i like it how you gave a map of the weapon locations. Dl for me
  7. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    really good
    great layout and job
    one thing tbough is around the outside can't they hop out of the map with things like grenade bouncing
  8. spartan11777777

    spartan11777777 Ancient
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    4/5, looks really cool. I think you shuld add more weapons though, maybe like an assualt rifle or two.
  9. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    ASS-PUNCH for you:

    Go read the description below the first pic.
  10. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I can see a lot of work went into this map! I love your idea to use a fuel rod gun because nobody ever uses those. The map has its own feel to it with the closed roof it is really nice.

    You should edit the screenshots and take them during a custom game. The spawn points will draw your attention and make the map look sloppy (and this map isn't). Also action shots would help advertise your map better too.
  11. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Nucleus V3

    I liked the weapon map you provided with the post not many people do that and it really helps understand the weapon layout before you load the map up. After downloading and doing a forgethrough of the map here was a few things that i picked up on in the map.

    One of the corner boxes of top middle is not placed to spawn in until 3 minutes in. Im guessing you have just forgotten to change it after removing it to interlock. Its a silly mistake to make but an easy one to address. Also whilst looking at the map i noticed two holes in the lower corridor wall allowing me to escape the map by walking out of it. Im sure you do not intend for people to escape the map so you will want to change this also. So until this is changed you might want to remove your "This map is inescapable" line in your post.

    The interlocking you have done is very nice and largely smooth a few little bumps but nothing major. The lower corridors around the outside of the map certainly are claustrophobic and the cover you have placed in them is nice and diverse and serves well to prevent easy line of sight all the way down each corridor. I like the look of the center room by being surrounded with fence walls and boxes its a world away from the claustrophobic downstairs. It really feels like it opens up upstairs. As far as weapon balance goes the weapons on the map are the same for each side so the balance is fair.

    One thing that i found quite strange was how you interlocked rather nicely many areas of the map and you just didn't seem to bother in many areas. I had a look at your complete structure from the outside of the level and found so many objects that were not interlocked. This non-interlocking is noticable from inside as well. Just a personal opinion but i feel it would improve the map asthetics it these roof objects were all interlocked. Just want to say here and now that i am not a person who thinks that interlocking is the key to forge i often do not interlock things in my map if i do not feel there is a need to. I just think that there is a need to with that roof.

    Overall it is a nice map with a lot of nice forge work. It is just let down by a few things you have overlooked/missed. Good luck with new maps and improving this one if you choose to.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  12. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    I wasn't aware of that i just had a Forge through and it was fine maybe I posted an older version, but it has now been updated.
  13. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Those pics with the flag on the left have really weird perspective. Are they like merged into the wall or something?
  14. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    No they're pinned to the wall behind the Spartan.
  15. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    map loks pretty good, okay interlocking. it has a pretty good layout, i think the roof is kinda messy though, maybe work on thta a little.
  16. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Nice map, I'm sure it plays very well.
  17. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map looks really cool but it would have been better if you took more time on the roof
  18. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The roof looks fine form the inside; the boxes and dumpsters were just thrown there to fill in some of the gaps.
  19. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    This is a pretty good map other than it just being cluttered to the middle. But its still very good 4.1/5
  20. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Looks like a small but fun map 3/5 gamplay looks fun.

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