Nuclear 4v4 semi-room-based Halo CE feeling MLG map for Slayer (eventually ball and KOTH amongst other things Nuclear is a simple room based map with long lines of sight and many routes to each area. I finished this a long time ago so I can't remember the exact weapon set however the power weapons include a sniper and rocket launcher. Sorry for very brief and vague description, just figured I might as well get this one posted while i still have the motivation Download Nuclear Screenshots: Download Nuclear
from the overview and other pictures I like the design and forging, but the overview also scares me a little, so little respawn points? does it work well without spawn killing?
I haven't managed to get a full 4v4 on it but i played a 7 man ffa on it and there were no major problems so I felt the spawns would be acceptable.
one recommendation I would do more additional spawns, I awlays keep a minimum 30 respawns on all my maps and in general cover. This seems to work very effectively (even with 8v8). I cannot tell the amount of cover from the overview but cover looks great. As for asthetics, It maybe interesting to have a balcony looking outward. A map is always appealing with indoor gameplay while having an outdoor view.