Reviving this thread. >D: I've recently been creating vectors in the style of Gorillaz artwork. More to come, I have like umpteen bazillion requests from friends and stuff. Broken into three categories: Traditional Art Digital Art Panoramas All my digital art and photography is available here for fullsized views and downloads. Gorillazified Vectors Spoiler Traditional. Unfortunately I can't find any of my old work. D: Spoiler Portraits Spoiler Meghan Katlynn Other traditional work Spoiler My controller Digital Art Spoiler Remnant. [1920 x 1080] Panoramas Spoiler There's MUCH more work on my Deviantart. Go check it out if you want.
I really like the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th panoramas... especially the first. Also, you should try and find the old stuff since I think a lot of people have seen your newer stuff. At least I've seen 90% of this
Ah no. It's very photogenic. Thanks. ^_^ I think it's all up north at my parents house. If I can find them I'll upload them. I know a lot of people have probably seen these, but this is where I am keeping all of my work now so it felt necessary to reupload them. Prismacolor Ink pens.
If you don't mind me asking, how do you do those arcing swirls in most of the digital pieces there? Specifically 1,3,5, and 7 in the digital art spoiler.
Unfortunately not something I can take much credit for. I just play with the parameters in Apophysis until I have something that I like. Amazing fractals can come out of that program; most of which people just post independently. I however, like to do post-processing work to them.
The **** is all the cats in this place?!?! lulz. Just kidding. I like the pictures. That first drawing is incredible, and the controller looks mint too... I'd just imagine getting sweaty hands on that controller would ruin it D:
I don't use it. I have a wired controller that I play on (I hate buying batteries). However, I do plan on getting a clear protectant spray to put over it at some point.
When you posted saviir months and months ago I lasted nearly 4 months with it as my wallpaper. It was just amazing. I am waiting for a wallpaper that surpasses it, Nick. I am still waiting.
@cluck: Thanks! It's one of my personal favorites. @Xterm: Thanks as well! I am looooong overdue for a new wallpaper. I've just been distracted with school and work and other creative projects. In other news I started a new portrait last night. I should be able to finish it this afternoon after school. It's looking great so far, maybe my best work. Too soon to tell, though. Maybe after I finish that I can get to work on a new desktop wallpaper.
If I send you my controller, you think you can whip up a cool design and ship it back? I'll pay for shipping costs.
Just practice practice practice. I've been drawing for a long time. Cool, and thanks! Yeah totally dude. What kind of design would you want?
very much love the digital collection. i remember seeing them long ago or something? or maybe just that one... but its better now seeing them all together. adding to my desktops for sure.
Of the digital stuff the only one I really like is the first one. The shapes in the others seem sort of unnatural together whereas that one looks more like streamlines that came out of some physical system. It's probably just a matter of individual thought process and personal preference.