Now about SWAT....

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Supa Midget, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Now me i love SWAT,really its fantastic and awsome and crazily fun...
    But its just things like this that annoy me about it.
    Frankly i love SWAT for everything else.
    1. No radar means to find people you need to communicate to some degree
    2. Headshot kills are fun regardless
    3. Using your back as a shield is a big change from normal halo tactics
    4. And its a double XP which rocks anyway.
    But its just this and only this that really ticks me off,especially when it happens again and again and again in the one game.
    this is the only thing that annoys me about SWAT and since its becoming a playlist in may (is it ranked or social btw?) i really wish this could be fixed.
    So can anyone tell me how to stop this from happening?
    Surely there must be a way to stop me spawning directly in front of someone every single time just because hes standing in "our" base?
    Surely one of you genii must be able to activate that infinite improbability drive of a forging mind and come up with a way to stop this?
    Surely all that complicated garble with respawn areas and such can fix this?
    If not could you tell me why it happens?
    To my knowledge its not intentional but i think it takes away form the fun of SWAT.

    NOTE:I wasnt sure whether this belonged in halo 3 discussion since its over SWAT or forge discussion since its about fixing the SWAT maps through forge....feel free to tell me and ill ask for it to be moved
    #1 Supa Midget, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  2. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    This post is incoherent and uses little to no correct grammar. I'm sorry, but I don't think anybody will be able to understand what you are trying to say. As for the Team SWAT one will take the time to watch it. At least I won't.
  3. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    It had five spelling mistakes nit-picker....
    And for those who won't take the thirty or so seconds to watch the video,its basically just me dieing spawning and instantly being killed.This happens to me alot on SWAT and while most of the time we still win i find it really really annoying and i'm sure everyone else does aswell.
    #3 Supa Midget, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  4. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Why don't they just place more spawn points? It annoys the crap out of me that the default maps don't even use all 100 spawn points- and people wonder WHY they get spawn killed. If my maps don't run out of items to place, you can bet that 100 spawn points is going to happen

    Its especially prevalent in SWAT, though, as I once got spawn killed three times in a row by a guy, finally killed him, and then he spawns behind me and kills me again.

    Also, the other day on guardian in TD, this guy on the other team got a triple kill solely from killing my partner- with an AR no less.
  5. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    YES its not just me!Take that Dizfunk!
    I just don't get why bungie went to the trouble of making SWAT isolation etc (woot we have bubble shields....) and then didn't make it properly SWAT friendly.
    Its prevalent in SWAT (i think) becuase people die so fast that teams are scattered across the map,meaning there arent any safe corners.
    Combine that with not enough spawn points and people will almost always spawn right next to someone.

    Altho halo 3 spawn system is weird to say the least.My whole team once spawned in a purple elevator on construct and the whole red team spawned in the sword room.
    (this was after one of ours went a little nuts with the misssile pods by the everyone died)
  6. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    All we can do is hope that they can fix this problem. Would be pretty cool if everything was fixed about it. I agree with everyone though that Bungie should use almost all or all of the spawn points.
  7. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I don't even know WHY the have SWAT on iso. That map is easily the worst map for ANYTHING, especially SWAT. Is bungie trying to find a gametype that people wont hate?
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I was thinking maybe we should fix them ourselves.
    Only thing is i personelly don't understand how halo 3's spawning system works particularly well but i'd be happy to help place respawn points and areas.Also id love to be testing them (who doesnt love casual SWAT?)
  9. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Well, I once was trying to get the spawn points in a map right, but after I killed my enemy, he spawned either in the same spawn, or the one next to it. It would be hard for us to fix this because of the way Bungie made this spawn system. I think Bungie is going to have to fix it themselves, you might be able to resolve this problem, but it's gonna cause a lot of frustration.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Personally, I've always disliked SWAT. To me, Motion Sensor and Shields are integral parts of Halo. Plus, there's only BRs, Magnums, and grenades (?). I don't like having a limited weaponry. That's why I'm not too good at MLG either. It's not tactical, it's annoying.
  11. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Nemi i think i love you XD
    Lol jk but yeah i too hate MLG for those same reasons.Altho oddly enough i do like SWAT.I see it more as a mini-game to improve headshotting more than anything else.I dont overdose or anything
  12. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    SWAT is crap on Halo 3 compared to Halo 2, dunno why though whether it be the maps or something else
  13. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Your welcome to your opinion about SWAT mate i know not everyone likes it.
    But before any one else posts can i please say that this is not meant to be a bash SWAT topic?
    I want to find someone who understands spawns to some degree to look at fixing the maps a good bit.
    Even if bungie never does it for their own SWAT maps itll at least improve my custom games as all of my friends like SWAT

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