If you dont care about what I have to say or hear about a personal update about myself, then dont bother to read this at all and go back to the homepage. If you stayed good. As of June 1st I will be going on hiatus from the graphics scene. I want to start working on a few other things while on my new free time. However, I will NOT repeat NOT stop making graphics all together. Hopefully my vacation will help me get back my motivation and inspiration towards my now to me very lacking art. I will also still make some other things for people of importance, however all forms of that will be under the iron curtain. Just know too I wont be leaving Forgehub or anything, just letting myself relax for once. Thanks for reading, appropriate comments are welcome. " You're somewhere, you're nowhere You don't care You catch the breeze You still the leaves So now where? "
im confused your just gonna spend alot less time on G&A and Forge hub and do other stuff instead right?
Correct, but iv been having to do alot of stuff behind the scenes and its taking a heavy hitter on me. Really this is just for people who want to know or would like to know atleast.
So it would be to late to try to ask for a Sig? Nah, it's okay... I hope you find what you've been looking in your break and good luck, but at least your not leaving FH or else that would mean I get a bigger piece of FH stock.
And you'd sell your stuff to me first, riiiiight? Anyways, as long as you're on Skype <3 Have a good vacation.
As a response to me going on 'vacation' I made this. tagwall + May Edition by ~Kidbomber on deviantART
I <3 you in the face KB. Are you still going to be moderating around here? Yeah. You will. pfft. Lol... GTFO BJ
No worries, KB. If time is what you need, take as much time as you need. We'll welcome you back with open arms. ...That sounded a bit too romantic, but meh.
Have... fun. I don't give a ****, but I stayed anyway. So does that make me an in-between-er? Take some time to think about what you just said.