Drunk's Airborne Car Rips Through 2nd Floor of House | NBC New York Cops: Drunk driver goes flying, crashes into Long Island house's second floor Can't make this stuff up folks. Although, considering the person lived, I consider that an accomplishment in life. Apparently the driver and passenger actually had to leave through the front door, they were too high up to just get out of the car. They succesfully leaped a story into a wall. Any of you guys have any stories like this?
The reason the driver was charged with over-lapping offenses is due to the fact that there isn't an offense named "1st & 2nd Floor Criminal Damage caused by 'Dukes of Hazzard' style driving whilst under the influence". What angers me is that people continue to drink and drive, even after its been made repetitively clear to every driver that it significantly decreases your motor abilities and reaction times which can lead to fatal consequences.
Hence the 'driving while intoxicated'. Reckless endangerment is usually tagged on to make the offence sound more severe, when it doesn't really increase the punishment. The third offence sounds stupid to me. May aswell have an offence called 'breaking the law'. A judge can slap down whatever punishment he/she wants, it doesn't matter how many offences there are.
Not exactly true, there is a minimum and maximum sentence for every offense. Also the more offences there are, the harsher a judge can be in terms of prosecution.