Yes, in a shocking tale related to us by the esteemed journalists at the Times Newspaper, it is revealed that Gordon Brown, does in fact, want Recon. Photo Evidence (Because the image is too big to put on the page comfortably. Funny, cause I took it with a phone camera) Eyewitness reports tell us that in the middle of an interview on the current state of the Country, Gordon Brown - The UKs Prime Minister - broke down and begged for Recon. His exact words tend to vary from story to story, but the most oft-repeated claims tell that he fell to his knees and, in a mimicry of a popular Internet meme, exclaimed "PM can no haz Reconz?! Why PM no haz Reconz!?" We caught up with psychoanalyst James Firth, for his view on the situation. "Well, when I first heard, I assumed it was just a rumour. With recent threats to the economy, Gordon has been put under an enormous amount of pressure, and this sounds just the kind of hateful rumour that might be spread by some of the less... 'popular' political parties. But when I got home, I turned on the news, and there was proof, damning as anything. I think, as I say, that our current political situation has gotten to be too much, and Gordon has had to take on a lot of extra pressure of late. But how does this relate to his want of Recon? I can't say. Perhaps, after taking so much punishment from the newspapers and other politicians, he feels it is his God-given right to have Recon. After all, there are many who have done far less who think the same way. Or perhaps this is a way of coping. Focusing on a non-issue like this may be his way of stopping the pressure getting to be too much. In either case, the important thing to remember is that, no matter what, he is our current Prime Minister, and should be treated with great respect in this time of need." We attempted to press him for more details, but unfortunately his professional capacity prevents him from speaking any further on the subject. So what does this mean for England? Well, I rather suspect that depends on whether he gets his Recon or not. Lichtonatus Times News Just a little something I saw in the paper and thought I could have some fun with. Hope you liked it
No, by R-word he means recession but still itd be pretty funny to have the PM to have recon, Brown does seem to be pretty slow lol.
lol i LAWL for a min.... that was good and too think ppl ^^^ thought it was like really real lol... that was nice nice find i wish i could haz posted that... can i co post??? PLOX i will say plox.... plox okay i am/r done