See my Tears of Sorrow Fill my eye Leaving me to die To lock away my pain inside Hopelessly alive And I cry Tears of Pain And Boredom Taking me All that I can see Screaming forever to be free Reaching out and grasping at a chance to really be Plainly whining where all can see Caught inside my dreams Leave me be I need A New Purpose Obsession Now directing me Discovering a will to be Wondering if it will finally be verily A final memento to claw away the world of differing instability Thinking that it may be my best chance to grasp at greed A chance to see all that I need Gently calling me Silently
Methinks its good, we need more poetry around here. only thing I can see is maybe you should change "obsessing" to "obsession" it seems to have a better ring to it IMO, but its not really a problem, more like a preference.