Not able to place anymore objects

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eric the Forger, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    Edit: I did a search and it didn't come up with anything. But going back 4 pages in the forums I found a couple threads where people are having this issue. It looks like there is indeed a global object limit.

    Is it possible to run out of a total number of objects on the map? I'm pretty much done with my map and was placing spawns on the map when all of a sudden I can't place anymore. I still have 100+ possible spawns that forge is telling me I can place. Also, I still have $40 in my budget and I can't even place anymore rocks even though I haven't used up all of them. So I'm wondering... will forge eventually just stop giving you items if you have a limit on total objects?
    #1 Eric the Forger, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  2. Vunik

    Vunik Forerunner

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    Yes, there seems to be a HARD Limit Wall set on the amount of objects that can be placed within Forge World. I have run into this issue as well when I was building my map.
  3. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    Yeah I kind of just figured that out. Kinda sucks huh? You think you have got a little more to work with and all of a sudden you're SOL. Well it shouldn't be too big of a problem. I got enough spawns. I'm just not exactly sure how respawn zones would help my map. This is my 2nd major map and neither has been play-tested. If I find I need more spawns or respawn zones I'm sure I can find superfluous kill areas, and there's a couple rocks I could probably do without. Thanks for the reply!
    #3 Eric the Forger, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  4. rymcc83

    rymcc83 Forerunner

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    You are correct there is a limit on certain types of object (usually defined by their object grouping) it shows a figure on the right of the menu screen when you are selecting an object to place.

    I think its 200 for spawns etc, 100 for walls (i think) and the figure gradually decreases the more complex the objects become.
  5. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    Yeah but I'm talking about a global object limit. My menu tells me I can still place a bunch more spawns. I could also place 4 more rocks or 4 inclines. But despite this I am still unable to place anything else. It has got to be a global object limit.
  6. Vunik

    Vunik Forerunner

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    That's not what he was talking about or asking. Everyone knows about the Object Limit of 100 Walls, etc. The limit we're talking about in this thread is the HARD Limit in Forge World itself. There is a point that you can hit where you will be unable to create ANYTHING at all in Forge World, even if you have the budget and parts left to create objects.

    Basically what I'm saying is that you could have 72 Walls available or 150 Spawn Points available, along side your Budget which is sitting at $2000 out of the $10000, and you will be unable to create any objects within Forge World. Although you have the funds and the soft limit hasn't been reached on your objects, Forge World will no longer allow you to make any objects.
    #6 Vunik, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  7. DRUM PH1L

    DRUM PH1L Forerunner

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    My guess is the global limit is somewhere around 500 total objects...but I didn't actually count and it may depend on the type of objects you have out. I wish there was some indicator of this so you could plan your map better. It's a bit frustrating.
  8. Bluegobln

    Bluegobln Forerunner

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    All forgers inevitably run into a limit for their maps of some kind. Whether its a wall limit, block limit, money limit, framerate limit, or some other limit such as your hard item limit for all of forge world: the answer is to clean it up and make it more efficient.

    Hell, sometimes you just cant do that. But sometimes you surprise yourself and discover a place you added a few extra blocks when you could have used something larger.

    I too wish there were no limits. One hopes some time in the future we will be able to use forge even more extensively, maybe on a new Xbox system sometime.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, there's some kind of global object limit. It existed in Halo 3 too - seems to be higher in Reach, but people are forging more elaborate maps so it's still coming up occasionally. All you can do is eliminate unnecessary or redundant pieces, replace multiple small pieces with one bigger one - do what it takes to free up some objects.

    And if you find yourself building a map and not using any expensive stuff (decorative objects and gadgets, for example), yet you're still running out of budget, you're probably going to hit that limit.
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ha, definitely not. Halo 3's global limit was 640.

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