Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details way 9 provoke me to anger why???? here take this!!!!!!!!! Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details way 9 [br][/br]Edited by merge: YOU all know that my ealier version of mind melt maze has 6000 downloads IN ONE WEEK and newest has 1500 and rising IN 5 DAYS!so here at forge hub you all can hate but i get random people sending me mesages on a good job done building this maze so keep hating ill keep forging!!!!AND BERB i did help on that map you said so your self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND WHEN I WANT TO MAKE A MAP I DONT NEED ANY ONES HELP EXCEPCT TESTERS!!!!!!!!!thanks for every ones non support EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU TROLLS THANKS!!!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: You did say you whould also give me some credit so what of it now berb
i know i did. that credit would have been in the form of: and thanks to all who helped test and be there when me and ociee were building such as: - Hi im Erupt - Siegery -High Way 9 - x Jakugen x to name a few THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE MAP IS YOURS YOU DIDNT BUILD IT I DID WITH OCIEE IT IS MY MAP
This isn't about your map, it's about both that video and your general asshattery(?). Stop promoting your damn map, stop being a pretentious idiot, and stop talking down to everyone. Maybe then you won't be looked at as a joke.
But why bump the maze when we could bump the thousands of better maps that have been made? Various MLG maps, remakes, mini-games, 4v4 competitive maps, mazes, obstacle courses, racetracks, casual maps, BTB maps, Invasion maps, 1v1/2v2 maps, small FFA maps, Invasion maps, etc. Also, why would we spend our time doing something as insignificant as bumping a file that truly doesn't deserve any popularity at all? I'd rather waste my time playing a quality map than bumping a terrible map. Your map isn't even anti-gravity, so it's slightly less legit. I had fun narrating the video though, and trolling you into posting your maze here for everyone to give less-than-desired feedback on it.
wait what staff slandered you in this thread? Pegasi and I were the only two who commented here, he commented on your behavior, I commented directly on your map. Neither of us mentioned you as a person or your forging ability, the latter of which, even if mentioned, wouldn't be considered slander. Learn your words before you use them, and learn social politesse before you go around making an ass of yourself. THAT was slander. Get used to it.