High way 9 challenged me to a 1v1, it ended up being a tour through the psychological ups and downs of a forger who has been put down by the community and has had enough. He's here to tell us where we went wrong and why we should give his map a second chance. Enjoy. YouTube - Chats with High Way‏
I cant hear my own voice coming out of the speakers. The hdpvr records what comes out of the speakers.
Honestly the map looks ****ing tough, and it is accurate to a maze, no gimmics, death pits, tough jumps, just a straight up maze, and its well done too, it could probably use a little bit of cleaning of the forging here and there though Im definitly gonna dl and try it out
there are gimmicks, like walls that are meant to attract you towards them then shoot you through to the beginning of the section. or setting the entire map up on a teleporter system so you always know you have to go towards a sender node (or in one case, a rocket launcher). Then you get to one of the last levels, and find the teleporter, only for it to send you all the way back to the beginning of the four level labyrinth.
Did anyone else mute this and narrate it through the entire thing? I mean, the guy made his point within the first minute, so I figured why not?
Someone has met their match!!!! On another note, this guys is hilarious. He really does remind me of Charlie Sheen. But Charlie gives much more elaborate rants.
Yo high way 9, I-I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Pacmonster1 had one of the best maze maps of all time! ONE OF THE BEST MAZE MAPS OF ALL TIME! And high way just reminds me of this so hard. YouTube - Family guy- donkey say no no no‏
I'm pretty sure your maps are not the best of Halo Forging History. Send them to the Review Hub on here. We will review them, no bias guaranteed.
Zeni's right, as it is published we can review it, no bias. Review Hub - How to Get Your Map Reviewed
im just sayin that map is MINE AND OCIEE's but idk why high way you said the map was yours??? around the 2minute mark "why dont you tell them what an awesome 1v1 map IVE MADE" you plannin to steal my map lol??? thats also an old version of my map anyway, yeah just thought id put it out there... btw dino when's our red dead footage being done?
I noticed that was your map but the different version confused me and I thought maybe it just coincidentally looked a lot like yours. Berb, im sorry to tell you that the red dead footage is gone. Not much i could do with it and it got deleted. I feel like a douche but the editing and uploading process would disable me for about 3 hours for a video that long.