Mythic DLC Nostromo

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Aug 17, 2009.


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    By Creep1ng De4th

    Recommended Players: 1v1
    Recommended Gametype: Conflict

    Forgehub 1v1 Conflict - Round 2 (Losers Bracket)

    Nostromo is a tight close quarters map created on Orbital. With all the other maps in the tournament being bred on Sandbox, this map should help satisfy your needs for a change of scenery. Roughly 1/3 of Orbital has been blocked off and plenty of cover has been added, leaving a "duck and cover" type of flow to the map.

    The long main hall gives way to the up and down feel of the escalator and you will find plenty of long and close range weapons strewn about the hallways. Power weapons are plentiful, but limited. You will find a Sniper Rifle, Needler, and Brute Shot in your travels, but don't get comfortable with them since they are on long respawns and have very limited ammunition. So in other words your trusty BR will still be your best friend. And for the highly skilled player, try the dual Magnums. They can be more powerful than you think.

    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2009
  2. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    hey i found it.
    the link for this map in Crown of flies doesn't work.
    is the custom powerup part of the map.
    and if so, what does it do?

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    This looks like a very interesting map because it is in orbital.

    The addition of the needler and the brutesot into the map are wise desicions i think because the brute shot should work well in the corridors but the enhanced radar stops it being an overkill of camping round corners. The needler shouldn't be to overpowered aswell due to the amount of cover in the hallways. Overall a very well thought out map.

    One question though.
    Willthis map be used in the winners bracket aswell?

    The custom powerup i believe works much the same as the one used in MLG but slightly weaker and gives you a 3 scond invunerulbility. I am not 100% sure but it does say it all in the game settings.
    #3 PILGRIM, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2009
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    CPU effects are as follows:

    • Duration: 3 Seconds
    • Damage Resistance: Invulnerable
    • Shield Multiplier: 3X Overshields
    • Shield Recharge Rate: 200%
    Hope that helps :)
  5. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    When I first read this, I was so confused, thinking CPU meant AI instead of Custom Power up.
  6. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    In other words, its practically an h2 overshield. So if we lose this round on Penance than we play Nostromo next round? And if we win this round we will play Crown of Flies? So will that me that throughout this torney each player will only play half the maps released? So many questions.
  7. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    No, I believe the H2 overshield lasted more than three seconds... this is more of a... power weapon if you time it right. Just have the guy trailing you, get it and turn around to demolish.
    Slight typo, but sort of. Everybody is free to download and play every map. Otherwise, the people in the brackets will only officially play a tournament match of half of the maps.

    EDIT: wow I completely misunderstood the "3 seconds" part, thinking the overshield disintegrated immediately after. It isn't exactly a H2 overshield, being 2x not 3x as said below.
    #7 stouf761, Aug 17, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Actually, the CPU is a 2x overshield, not 3x. A 3x OS is way too powerful for a 1v1 competition. It's practically 2 guaranteed kills.

    EDIT: I almost forgot to say that this is a bad ass map. I've always thought that Orbital could be made into a pretty decent 1v1 map, and Creep's done an outstanding job in making it a reality.
    #8 squidhands, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  9. SparTan Ad1

    SparTan Ad1 Ancient
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    Yeah~ I haven´t seen the map yet but I have a question.

    The picture where the regenerator´s on, there is usuall the rocket and down there a hole to the hallway(right sniper) so is this hole still there or is it also blocked off that you can walk up and down on forged walls?
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool. Can't wait to play it.

    I have a question though, isn't it that the 2v2 maps are suppose to be featured like in the first tournament? Or is it because this map isn't good enough...?
  11. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Only the winners bracket maps are going up in the featured maps section.
  12. DBA Forge Newb

    DBA Forge Newb Ancient
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    Featured or nor featured, I never dreamed that anyone could make a map like this of Orbital. Good work.

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