
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by WeskerLogan, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. WeskerLogan

    WeskerLogan Forerunner

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    Happy holidays..This is Series 2 for SNIPERSIS. This map is originally designed for Snipers/Jetpacks/Golfclub.

    A secluded mountain range is the forgotten home of an abandoned relay station converted into a makeshift launch pad for UNSC. But mind your step as some of the artifacts of wars past lay in wait.











    #1 WeskerLogan, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    no offense, but this map looks very sloppy. poor design and I bet gameplay too. its creative though
  3. WeskerLogan

    WeskerLogan Forerunner

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    thank you for your reply. I will say, of all the maps I made this one is probably the one which features the least amt of combat..not sure why, it's one of the smaller ones but I feel you may be correct in that it's large vertically.

    Look for part 3! Transference!
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The first thing that hit me when viewing this thread, and playing the game, was that it wasnt very competitive. I would have thought that the map would be more suited to Casual, but thats your choice.

    Before I give much feedback, I need to also say that I only played it with 4 people on account of having no XBL Gold, so I cant give a hugely accurate feedback, but ill do what I can.

    The first thing that needs mentioning is the inclusion of the entire Island. To that, I say well done, because its hard to come up with something that takes up the entire Island and still plays half decently.
    However, the forging is pretty sloppy, and the map needs some serious touching up aesthetically. If this was done, the map could reach a much higher potential.

    The weapons arent really that well thought out. Of course, because the map is big, Snipers are a good choice in weapon, and because of the sniper spots, Jetpacks were useful, but the inclusion of the golf club seems more like a novelty decision than a gameplay one. If the golf club was replaced with a different weapon, something with more use perhaps, then the gameplay could improve drastically.

    All in all, its a decent concept, but it needs lots of Polish.


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