well i was playing around in team snipers the other day, lol I was really proud of myself for this one... look for yourself, and PLEASE COMMENT!!! GameVee.com | Halo 3 Video | Video | NOSCOPEZZZZZZZ
though this may look impressive, it also looks like pure luck mainy due to the fact that you can barely see the guy
yeah the feeling of an epic noscopez is pretty sweet. Me and a friend were playing MLG Guard 1v1 and i got a noscope headshot while on the sniper tower lift when he was on the camo bridge
That wasn't bad Wiggums all though it was all luck, most noscopes are. I really enjoy that feeling when you smash a bullet through someones skull without scoping.
One thing is that you zoomed in and got shot, so it moved a little but your marker was still right next to him, although it was a nice shot. I dont feel like typing more.
It was pretty good. I can't say that I'm much of a no scoper lol, but one time I no scoped a guy, spun around and got another one. Good, I know lol