Northern Wind

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HANDSOM R0B, Jan 29, 2009.


    HANDSOM R0B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is designed for the gametype "Tremor Blast" made by Creeping Death. The sides are color coated, blue is boxes mean its the attackers side, red boxes being the defenders side. Each base, attacker (flag return) and defender (flag spawn), both can be accessed from the bottom entrance rim or from the the man cannon, but you better slow down when you go into it or you'll go right over it. The attacker side has a man cannon ramp where the man cannon drops you when it comes out of the base. This man cannon if you come at it so you are looking more left will shoot you over the wall that leads to "Attackers Ice" the area on the attackers side closest to edge. The middle has a point that will direct you in either a left or right route but when approached from the defenders side has a ramp over it. underneath of it is a brute shot with 6 shots on a 30 second respawn.

    There are 3 brute shots in the attackers base and one in the defenders. On the attackers cliff that will result in death if you drive over it. Is a double box wall that bridge over to a single open, on that bridge has a brute shot, same 6 shots on 30 second respawn. There are two watchtower structures, one on the defenders side and one on the attackers, both a have a brute shot with the same 6 shot 30 second respawn. The defenders side has a one way ramp leading out of the defenders side that is stationed under the bridge. In the middle of the defenders side is a structure with bridge ramps on either side of a route that goes through two single boxes so you can either ramp over them or drive through them and not get splattered. The mongooses are instant respawn in the bases, 6 in the attackers, 1 in the middle, and 1 in the defenders. The choppers spawn seperately two on the attackers side and two on the defenders, if you die and you don't spawn on the right platform go through the teleport in the back of the platform and it'll take you to the other one where the chopper is. The teleporter is hard to see because of the energy blockers but its there.

    The Bases


    The Chopper Spawn And The Watchtower Structure (Defenders Ice)


    The Chopper Spawn (Attackers Ice)


    Defenders Side


    The One Way Ramp


    Attackers Side


    Attackers Ice


    Middle Section


    We Better Land This (In-Game Screenshot)


    Thanks For The Help (In-Game Screenshot)


    Overview (Most pieces are shown, some are not viewable though)


    Here's the download link for Northern Wind:

    Here's the download link for Tremor Blast Gametype:
    #1 HANDSOM R0B, Jan 29, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  2. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    This map, if I may say so myself, rivals Iced Valley. The gameplay is amazing, and with countless routes and choke points, it has been designed to a very high degree. If you love Tremor Blast, definitely give this a download. It is well worth the hard drive space.
    Great job Rob =).
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    hey looks like we have a competitor to go against Iced Valley. The geo merging is great and i really love the jumps and obstacles. It Clearly shows you have a talent in forging and you should keep it up.

    Seeing as i can only judge by the pictures since i haven't downloaded it yet i will give a 5/5. .... i know it looks awesome but i will come back and edit my rating later : ]
  4. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    Yep, I agree with others, it looks like a rival of Iced Valley, but it is still a pretty good map, you did geo-merge quite alot, and have unique Ideas, I suggest putting one of the FX Filters on, 4/5

    HANDSOM R0B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was thinking about juicy because that is the one only one that adds more depth to the map the others jsut take away or make your eyes tired, ill test it out this weekend
  6. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Rob you scared me for a second cuz your name isnt Hansom Rob on FH and i was gonna be all "you stole this map"

    The map is fun and has a new feel with the Tremor spawns being closer to the mouse spawns. the one way ramp is my favorite part because i tried an failed to make one for my map but you pulled it off much better.

    Great job 96/100
  7. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Yay! I love this map(even though i get raped when i'm a mongoose driver for some odd reason). I played this like 10 times last night along with, a secret left unnamed project, Iced Valley, Glacier Pass 2, and mine, but my flag didn't work so we had to end that test..(sad face). I give this a 10/10 for the forgeing(even though avalanch has easy geomerging and interlocking) and because its just awsome.
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Finaly you posted this Rob!
    Vicious, Tryant and I were playing a few games on this last night, and I have to say, this is right behind the origional map, Iced Valley, in the Tremor Blast map ratings. Some of the others are clutterd, are virtualy the same design as the first, where-as this one has a new-ish layout, and new strucutres. For example, the tremors spawn above the map, and replacing most open boxes are box/volcano shaped thingies for mouse safe havens. great job, this one will be making its home on my harddrive.
  9. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    nice tremors map. i like how the boxes are geo merged. it adds a nice touch

    HANDSOM R0B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The links are now fixed, my file set was deleted somehow so I linked it to my fileshare for now

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