Noobulass The Ninja

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Mabolsa Ritchie, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Mabolsa Ritchie

    Mabolsa Ritchie Ancient
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    Noobulass, a young ninja who is flagged by his Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish as "An unworthy butt rotten waste" stands alone, trapped and now angry.


    In an attempt to be rid of Noobulass the Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish has locked our hero inside a jump box. Beyond the jump box Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish has set a number of challenges which he foresee's as being beyond Noobulass' skill and will surely destroy his mind body and soul thus ridding Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish of his hinderance. Unbeknownst to Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish. Noobulass' will is stronger than he anticipated. He now sets out to escape the jump box and take on the challenges to deliver Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish an almighty atomic teabagging.








    Can Noobulass overcome the challenges ahead? Can he find Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish and bring an end to his sick training ways with an almighty atomic teabagging? Will YOU dare take on the role of Noobulass in this ninja mind puzzle? What the hell is an almighty atomic teabagging? Where is Wicked Sensei Dark Fish? Download and take part in this adventure!


    • Assess everything, everywhere.
    • Try not to rush ahead.
    • Be warey of direct routes.
    • Learn the basic jumps (Spring jump, Crouch jump and frag jump.)
    • Think out of the box.
    • Sometimes a leap of faith is called for.
    • Always refer to Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish as Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish.

    Inspired by many a puzzle and ninja maps. Mostly the flaming ninja challenge. (Much love to you pete_the_duck) I started with the hopes of creating something of relative ease. As personally my "Ninja" skills are very limited. But i think it developed a little. Some skilled players will perhaps find this easy but I hope there is some parts which offer a little challenge or thinking to be done. For those who do manage with ease I'd very much apreciate your input. If like me and this proves tough In places you can always use the teleporter room attached to the jump box. It should be easy to figure out which teleporter goes to which number of challenge. (Closest one takes you out the jump box.)
    The whole Noobulass story is just some random workings of my mind to help set the mood. I have set this as a two player game teams will have to agree to an honour rule of no killing until complete. Players can complete the game at any moment once delivering the almighty atomic teabaggin to Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish' garden or they can make use of the toys inside his domain.
    The gametype isn't a must but is strongly advised. Suitable for 1-2 players, for fun not competative.

    #1 Mabolsa Ritchie, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011
  2. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Very well presented. The story of it is hilarious, and intrigues me to actually go do an almighty atomic teabagging. I got like one fourth of the way, and I suck at jumps so.. But I'll continue later. So far it is impressive. Ha, best of luck with the DL's, you defiantly got mine!
  3. Mabolsa Ritchie

    Mabolsa Ritchie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I couldn't post too much of the map without giving things away. So I had to do something to show the map. If you get stuck just let me know where and I'll do what I can to explain what to do.

    The jumps are tricky just take your time. I found that once landed a jump its best to push yourself into the wall. There are some tight ledges.
    Good luck and enjoy.

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