im not sure if i will every eventualy get good enough to be a guilder,and yea im posting thiss intro cuz idk where else to post(im a noob) but if u sned in a guilder application and get rejected then make 2 better maps can u re-apply?
welcome! yes you can re-apply. i would reccommend getting known around here before you try though, let people know who you are on forums and ingame
Careful, guys. This noob eliminated me in the first round of the tournament. Noob indeed. Nah, rally, welcome man. You seemed like a cool individual while we were playing. If you ever need anything, I'm usually around.
Is it that everyone new here posts that they're a noob? O well. Welcome to Forgehub! and like Insane54 said, you should really be known around the community first before re-applying, it gives you a better chance of qualifying. See you around.
If I am correct, you also need 100 posts before you can submit and application. Bad things will happen if those posts are spam though... :squirrel_shiftyeyes: Welcome to the Hub.
Hey man...I suppose becoming a guilder is like becoming the president. Anyone can do it and you can always run again...unless your last name is Clinton....then never ever run again...ever... But really if you want to make some good maps just go check out forging 101, and take a look at some of the already featured maps, and see some of the techniques they used, however please don't copy an existing map. basically the best advice I can give to your maps is be original in your idea, if you can get that as long as your good at forging someone can help you clean up your map. Whats really hard (at least for me) is coming up with the idea.
like what ferretness says try not to copy major features of featured maps eg. the sideways box column on unchained but you can use them for inspiration and predicide is a lier i rarely ever see him online and definetly do not spam (especially on the intro boards you always get caught) i got told off for spamming once they took away 20 of my posts (the spam ones) and i feel really bad now. but anyway follow the rules and you will do well and welcome