Why doesn't my service record show my model? To me I look like default noble six! Whats up with that?
I think it takes a long time to update your model...mine's still the old setup I was using a few weeks ago.
They briefly updated for a few days after release (mine looks like my Spartan did like a week or 2(?) after release on my main, but on my second acc which I started later it never updated, so it seems like it only worked for a little bit then broke), and now they're stuck as they are until it's fixed. Bungie are aware of the problem and have publicly acknowledged it (gonna look for a source now, but multiple BWUs refer to it in passing), but apparently the servers which deal with player models on B.net are heavily tied in to the systems which support the whole of MM, so they have to make sure the fix works first and time the work well to avoid disruption to more important stuff. Hopefully soon though, my guy looks totally different now (and significantly more badass).