Non-Official Halo Reach Forge Ideas Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG FlashPoint, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    As you can tell by the title of the thread this is a Thread for posting Halo Reach Forge Ideas to your forgehub communitey (Yes ey, not y, sounds like hey). This is the place where you can post your ideas for your fellow members to think about.

    If you don't want your Idea taken don't post it and hopefully no one else had the same idea. Also if you want to team up with someone to forge a similar idea that you had with, This is the place to go.

    If you post Ideas I will try to Catalog them in a giant list thing like when people list testers/weapon lists.

    Also please now post like so. Please make the spoiler part of the post no parse.

    How to make it noparse (Below)
    First put [noparse/][spoiler/]description[//spoiler][//noparse]
    Remove the the last /in both of the last brackets
    Don't make it so big its just for the sake of the update.

    I guess I will start it. Tags for (Idea) Slot; SE=Self Explanatory(Speling?), Others can be recomended. I will try to update this thread as much as possible.

    Dodge the Fireball spitting dragon (SE)- IxFlashPointxI
    Superlong ramp off the cliff (Land on a warthog as the KOH)-CombatGam3r
    A Giant RaceTrack with powerups (SE)- Wakapalypze
    Silent Cartographer Multiplayer map, compatible with Firefight and Invasion too(SE)- Gold
    Normandy style map (SE)- DisturbedShifty
    Build round the waterfall and floating on the water(SE)- B3NW
    Cliff side map with a cave(SE)- Exile
    I'm probably just going to edit the pre-made maps, at least until I get a feel for the new UI and feel. - Pinohkio
    Map out of the rocks by phasing them together - Elliot
    A proper realistic cave map - Comis
    Buildings with pathways that connect them like avalanche but no snow- Eculc
    Massive Penguin next too the rock, 10,000 budget could make a hell of a big penguin-NinjaLemon007

    Spoiler Ideas (Long descriptions and/or pics)
    Steve 11thselby Bridge Map like Narrows
    I'm up for a bridge map, like 2 bridges in parallel with a single bridge (still parallel) above them connecting all three bridges.
    At the ends of the main central bridge will be a base semi covered in the rocky cliff face.
    The two below bridges will swing round the back and enter the back of the bases from below.
    So kinda like Narrows, but not so much.-Steve 11thselby
    Rogue Shadow IV Zombies shoot down jet pack guys
    When I start forge I'm going to make a map were everyone has unlimited jet packs and they have to keep flying or else they fall to there death. Then there will be a zombie or something trying to shoot them down and as each person dies they join the zombie making it harder for the humans. The zombie will probably have a spiker. -Rogue Shadow IV
    IxFlashPointxI KOTH Destruction
    King of the Hill slayer, Compatable for KOH FFA or KOH TS. The Hill will be placed on vehicles, destructable vehicles, the object will be to capture the vehicles as much as possible and hold them, The hills will be Revenants, Warthogs, etc... You gain points for Killing Enemies (2pt), Having the hill (2pt per second), lose points for; Betrayals (-3pts), If possible while contesting hill (-1pt per second)- IxFlashPointxI
    Alligator88 Multi teams fighting
    I will be making a map in which it will be redvsblue and greenvspurple,with red and blue fighting on a horizontal platform floating in the sky with cover,structures,etc. while green and purple fight on the other side of the platform,essentially fighting upside down relative to the other teams. - Alligator88
    Hugh299 Tour de Forgeworld
    I would make a map that deals with driving a warthog in different spots all over Forge World. Like make some bridges in the sky to drive on, drive on the beach, through the forest, across the ocean, onto a small motocross track... stuff like that. It'll be really big.- Hugh299
    BuddhaCrane Disortion like map
    The vidoc showed bungie make what appeared to be a 3-sided distortion map (rather than my 2 sided one) so I'm going to try to design my map like that. A 3-sided map couldn't be done on Halo 3 because Spartans couldn't walk at those angles, but maybe they can now in Reach.

    I'm going to try and design a kind of Singularity reactor in the middle of the map, like a radiation chamber that interconnects different rooms of the map. Players can go through this area but the radiation will kill them if they stay there too long. I'll do this using those Safe Volumes Bungie announced. All the rooms will have safe volumes in them, but the reactor room won't, so you'll get the 10 second warning when you're in it. I can also make use of the new colours and pulsing effects on lights to make the room really look like a reactor.

    In the picture that shows a bunch of the forge objects for Forge World, the giant square item looks like a placeable grid, similar to the one on Sandbox but obviously moveable. If it's anything like the Sandbox grid then it should be solid to certain objects during custom games. I'll use this to make weird floating moveable objects around my map, to add to the distorted illusion. Picture a soccer ball rolling mysteriously through the air and you get the picture!

    There's also a part in the Vidoc that shows vehicles going over a light bridge, or maybe it's a one-way shield door. When you look at the video, you'll notice that the light bridge is invisble from underneath. I could use this to make strange walkways where, from underneath, it will look like players are walking on nothing.

    Most of all, I should be able to make my new distortion map way bigger than the old version!

    That will probably be the first map I make in Reach. I have other ideas too but I'm not giving those away! - BuddhaCrane
    Drizzt Casual Race Map
    I have an idea for a casual race map. The race track would be enclosed in a tower, and would spiral downward until it reaches a vehicle teleporter that sends people back up to the top of the track. Behind the teleporter would be a pit (possibly into the ocean) at the bottom. The twist would be that killballs would spawn at the top and roll down the track into the pit at the bottom of the map. So people would not only have to race each other, but would also have to dodge kill balls. - Drizzt
    Rusty Eagle Run away from the kill ball
    I was telling shad0w about this the other day, but in a different aspect. For a race map, a kill ball would roll down an inclined plane while racers either tried to outrun it or pace themselves behind it. At the end of the plane would be a jump for racers, while the ball would fall through into the water, and hopefully delete itself to reset the effect.
    ROFLwafflep133 Traffic
    Traffic: A survival minigame where the playing area (a circular arena) is surrounded by many vehicle-friendly two-way nodes with large(ish) radii, all pointed toward the center. The zombie picks his preferred land vehicle (far away from the playing field) and floors it into a sender node. he comes flying out of a random teleporter and into an unsuspecting human, who then respawns in an area similar to the alpha's, but with mongeese. 2:00 minutes to win a round. The two way nodes could also infrequently channel to a reciever node in a long hidden hallway with a sender node at the end. The delay would create an erie suspense about the room. :)
    It's rough and needs revision, but we have a few months.
    DMM White
    I was thinking about designing a wonky map but got incredibly caught up with some maths. I had just assumed I could rotate a cube by 45 degrees along each axis (so players could walk up 3 sides), I tried that in a 3D program but the result was not what I was expecting.
    I've now got bits of model cubes covering my desk and I've proven to myself that if I rotate a cube so the top vertex is directly above the bottom vertex the slope of each face is not 45 degrees, but I'm still having trouble believing that it is, in fact, more like 55 degrees.
    Xx D Day93 Biggest Zombie Game ever
    When I start forgeing, I'm going to make the biggest zombie game and map that will have everyone run for the best hold point. But it will be hard to get to because the zobies will start from the hold point as the rest run to it, or they are dead.-Xx D Day93
    BuddhaCrane Disortion addon
    I've got another additional feature for my Distortion successor. I plan to create a "False Corridor" using two-way teleporters. I'll have a small corridor leading to a room, but in the middle of the corridor will be a two-way teleporter. Using the new "area effect" ability of a teleporter I'll make it so that it covers the width of the corridor and is invisible. As a player walks down the corridor it will look like they're going to go to the room in front of them, but what will actually happen is they'll enter the hidden two-way. When they come out of the other two-way they'll be in a new room that is designed too look exactly like the corridor they were just in, but the room at the end will have 'flipped'. So it will look like the room has just suddenly skewed before their eyes! When the player walks back into the corridor from the other way, the same process will occur, and it will look like the room has 'flipped' again. :D

    I also intend to have a dead-end corridor, but not in the traditional way. I'll have a set of never-ending stairs (Think Mario 64) using a ramp that appears to continue upwards, but then teleporters prevent you from actually getting any further. The tricky part will be designing the corridor so there's no visible dead-end, so that when the teleporter keeps binging you back it doesn't feel too obvious. So it'll be a dead-end, but it won't look like it's a dead-end; it'll look like it's a set of never-ending stairs. *Evil Grin*
    Johnny Pree King of the Kill
    *For some reason the first idea I got was pretty simple: if possible I want make a KOTH variant where a kill ball is the hill. The hill radius would be somewhat larger than the ball. I like the idea of making it square or rectangular so as to add some irregularity to the shape, although cylindrical would work as well. The map would probably be in the Coliseum. I envision a kill hill (or multiple kill hills) spawning at the top as the round starts, and then falling onto ramps and mancannons placed throughout. There would be pits at the bottom with angled walls so as to direct the kill hills into other mancannons so they shoot back up, hopefully with a large degree of unpredictability. I imagine short rounds, if there is no way to reset the kill balls, in such a way that a player's score carries over into the next round. Players would attempt to dodge and court the kill hills in order to stay alive but gain points, and they would use mancannons, ramps, and possibly jet packs as aids in this pursuit. By the way, this map would be called "King of the Kill".

    *I will second the idea of using the various rock objects in order to make a very realistic cave map, coupled with purple lights to make it dark and maybe pulsing red lights in spots for creepiness. I'm imagining a relatively vertical infection map, completely enclosed, hopefully quite dark and scary, where the humans drop down into the cave from above at the beginning of the round. They would probably fall into deep central chamber with lots of passages jutting off of it, so that humans would get separated easily as some catch hold of different ledges on their way down, and some fall all the way to the pits of hell below (probably where the majority of the zombies would spawn). I just wish we still had flares. Overall, my goal for this map would be to create a very realistic, confusing, vertical maze very reminiscent of the movie "The Descent" and yet to keep it smooth and traversal for spartan navigation. May stage it in the actual caves, depending on the size of them. More likely will put it in the air somewhere. Potential flaw is that the category limit on rocks may be too low.

    *I want to create a 3d maze using forerunner structures in the Colosseum. I previously have given up trying to make a palace-like maze in the Crypt because I could not fill it in completely using UBG. I am really hoping this $10,000 is enough to make a very dense, convoluted, 5-10 story maze which fills up the entire Coliseum with interesting architecture. I think that would be **** because it would take a very long time to memorize or even completely explore the layout. I love maps like that. It all depends on the budget and category limits though.

    I've got more ideas but those are 3 basic, generic ones that I'm definitely going to attempt. The more creative ones are going to have to be looked at once I can actually get Reach and forge around for a while.
    LRMAN0989 Flippy map that I do not understand (Gravitational Corrosion)
    I'll make a bridge that connects 2 bases that will be relatively short, BUT there will be a place in the middle where I will make an invisible teleporter (like the one Buddha described for a 'False Corridor') and it will be a weird teleporter system that will make it look like the map just flipped it self. How will I do it, you ask?

    I will make the map multiple times, but at different angles (I'll make the map 5 times). The first one, that you spawn on, will have a sender and a receiver.
    The second one will be the 1st bridge but turned to a 45 degree angle and have a receiver right above a sender.
    The third one will be right on it's side (with the receiver right above the sender)
    The fourth one will be at a 135 degree angle. (receiver above sender)
    And the last will be right upside down, with the sender and reciever at the exact same location so when you teleport onto the bridge the sender won't affect you.

    Viola, I'll have a flipping bridge! Also, they will be built in seperate boxes so they still have the same scenery, giving the illusion of the flipping bridge. Both the bottom and the top of the bridge will be distinct from each other, but the opposite side will still be there (no weapons down there, of course). It would be twice the size of what it looks like! It would also be symmetrical in symmetrical gametypes, and some stuff changes so then the defenders are stronger for asymmetrical gametypes (NO INFECTION :p)
    StoneColdx3 Titan Mode
    Here's my idea:

    After seeing Forge World, I've been tossing around the idea of creating a map with a "Titan mode" type gameplay, and I'm looking for a bit of feedback so I can start implementing this idea when Reach eventually ships. For those unaware, Titan mode was a gameplay mode of the PC game Battlefield 2142, and here's a brief overview of the mode via Wikipedia.

    The Titan mode involves players from opposing teams whose objective is to destroy the other team's Titan, while trying to defend their own. Titans are massive, heavily-armored, flying warships, which have powerful force fields protecting them from enemy intrusion or conventional weapons fire. As the force fields are up during the first part of a battle, players must fight to control the anti-Titan missile silos scattered about the battlefield on the ground.

    After the shields are down, there are two methods to destroy the enemy Titan. One way is to simply remain on the ground and hold the anti-Titan missiles until they wear down the hull. Another quicker alternative is to board their Titan using "assault pods" launched from an APC, air transport, spawn on your squad leader, or land an air transport on a Titan. Once inside, the players must destroy 4 reactor consoles to gain access to the reactor room. There, they can blow up the reactor, and have 30 seconds to flee the Titan before it is destroyed.

    So, I've been thinking of a way to create a version of Battlefield 2142's Titan mode on Forge World.

    Basically it will be an attack and defend game of Generator Defense, with one team attacking and one team defending. Instead of two Titans, there would only be one, with the Titan belonging to the defenders. The three(?) generators will be onboard this Titan, an artificial ship floating high above the ocean made out of the objects and scenery available in forge. It will be quite large and on the outside resemble a UNSC warship, and on the inside it will contain a number of halls and walkways and rooms and all that. The defending team will spawn on the ship.

    At the rear of the ship will be a large "cargo bay", and this will be the main entry point into the ship. Inside this large bay will be a few air vehicles like the Falcon, as well as some cover for fighting on the ground, and maybe a turret or two to help defend this cargo bay from the attackers.

    The attackers will spawn a fair distance away, possibly on either the small cliff area or the enclosed area inside the mountain. (Both of them were one of the 5 big areas of Forge World)

    The attackers' area will contain a number of air vehicles, like Falcons and Banshees. Not sure what the ratio of vehicles will be. Maybe the defenders will have 2 falcons in their cargo bay and the attackers will have 1 falcon and 3 banshees in their spawn area? (The attackers are meant to have an advantage over the defenders in terms of air combat)

    So most of the attackers are going to get into their air vehicles and fly over towards the large ship. There will be a fair amount of mid-air combat between the two teams, with the attackers trying to shoot down the enemy air and then dismount on foot in the enemy cargo bay and then fight their way through the various hallways and rooms of the ship's interior to the three(?) generators and destroy them.

    I'm thinking most of the fighting and boarding will take place in the cargo bay, but I'm also thinking there could be a second entry way onto the ship. Perhaps a small area jutting out from the ship, large enough to land a vehicle or two on, with a small, somewhat easily defendable hallway connected to it leading into the ship's interior?

    Of course, this wouldn't be a true Titan mode with all the fighting taking place just in the air, and having the air be the only way to get to the Titan ship could be problematic if the enemy managed to do something like steal a few of the attacker's vehicles, leaving them with no way to reach their Titan.

    A portion of the combat would also take place on the ground. There would teleports in both the enemy Titan and on the attackers' spawn that would teleport them to an area on the ground. This ground area would be symmetrical and rectangular shaped, sort of like Halo 3's narrows. This ground area would also be disconnected from the combat going on above in the air with a kill area, so people in banshees or falcons couldn't really fire at or engage with the people on the ground.

    What would be the purpose of the ground area?

    1. An alternative route to reach the enemy titan. Instead of flying to their Titan, you could take a teleporter to this ground section, fight through this area, and then use one of the enemy's teleporters on the other side. After going through the enemy teleporter, you would end up on their Titan. I'm thinking having these teleporters in the large cargo bay, with there being several teleporters you could randomly teleport to, so the enemy can't just camp the teleports.

    2. There would be a power weapon(s) in the center that each team would want to control.

    Now, I'm still not sure how this ground space would work. Depending on how high you can build in Forge World, I might build this ground space right above the water, inbetween the attackers' spawn and the Titan. If that's the case, the power weapon would be a spartan laser or missile pod, so this ground area would be important in capturing so you could use this power weapon to help defeat the enemy Falcons and Banshees.

    Or, the ground space could also be held far away from the air battle in an enclosed space of the Blood Gulch Canyon. If that's the case, the power weapon would be a rocket launcher most likely, a powerful weapon in clearing out the enemy and attacking the generators on the Titans, or for the defenders the rocket launcher would be a welcome weapon in defending the cargo bay.

    So that's basically it so far, and I'm looking for feedback in what people think of the idea so far.
    LRMAN0989 Multi-team Falcon Fights
    It would be sort of like all of the space fight/dogfight maps, but with 2-3 man teams on Falcons. They would basically spawn on a platform right beside their Falcon or just spawn inside of it (and have it really high so the animation of your person getting in is done before it hits the death barrier near the ground), and the map would be floating SAM-site structures/platforms floating around. The map would also utilize the entire space of Forge world. The SAM-site thing would be rocket hog turrets sticking up through the platform (and the platforms would be just above the death barrier that's under them). Also, everyone would have 1 life for each of the rounds (I'll decide on the round count when I get Reach)
    LRMAN0989 (No name specified)
    Ok, so it would be a short hallway that has teleporters on the walls (receivers on one side, senders on the other). The zombie would start on a ghost, go through ultra-powerful mancannons to make him/her go really fast and it'd make him/her go through a teleporters, and his/her velocity would keep him/her going through the teleporters and ramming people.

    In short, it's like some of those cartoons where the person goes through one door and comes out of a door somewhere else in the hallway.
    Yeti Planko gametype
    I've been thinking of this idea that's kinda like the game "Planko" from the Price is Right.

    Except the Planko board is huge, and the Planko piece is actually a Mongoose. Several people will have to take turns driving onto the massive board and free fall through tons of pegs sticking out of the board and see where fate lands you. There will be several zones on the bottom that have Sender Nodes at the end where only Vehicles can pass through. When you pass through that zone, you will be teleported to a location on the map that has "Prizes" varying in size and quality. I don't know exactly what the prizes could be, but I have some ideas of what I can do. Then you must pass through a Sender Node to a Battlefield where you will then use what you won against the enemy waiting for you. :) Once you die, you respawn back above the Planko board, and basically repeat everything over and over until the score has been reached.

    The gametype will be pretty much basic Free-For-All. Before you start falling on the Planko board, you will start out with a Plasma Pistol only. No Armor Abilities or anything. The good weapons and AAs will be waiting for you in the prize zones.

    So, FH.. Find your opinions and give them to me.
    LRMAN0989 ODST map
    Ok, so there would be a giant floating UNSC frigate floating above the island part of forgeworld, and there'd be a number of ways to get off the ship. The quickest way would be to use the ODST pods, by the armory (you spawn in the armory). Or, you could drive a 'hog or scorpion off the lowered ramp part (the ramp-like thing that the scorpion tanks come from on Halo 3's mission 'The Ark'). Also, you could fly a Falcon off of it with some of your teammates.

    On the ground, there would be 3 aesthetic Phantoms floating above the ground at 3 different places on the island. The Covenant would spawn inside these and the lift thingy and other entrances to the Phantom are 1-way shield doors so no one can spawn camp. Also, the covenant are invincible for 5 seconds after spawn.

    And another thing, it would use Invasion as a base gametype, and the ODSTs have to drop from their ship and protect special data hidden in a special ONI facility on the island.

    EDIT: The 'hog and scorpion jumping off the ship idea is assuming vehicles don't take fall damage (or, at least, nothing too severe).
    ^A basic paint sketch of it (AwEsOmE PaInT SkIlLz!). The squiggly lines are the beach, and it labels the rest. (I would have used a birds-eye-view picture of the island, but there aren't any on the internet >:s )

    The circle in the middle is the rock-thingy part that you can't climb.

    I didn't add the frigate, but it's right above the ONI facility.

    Also, an update, at first in phases 1 & 2, you would be normal, weak marines. But for Phase 3, the ODSTs come in (you're upgraded) and you can now spawn in the frigate and drop from pods and stuff. Also, for phases 1 & 2 you are weaker but you spawn on the ground and you try to defend your 'wall' (Or whatever I think of as a blockage that stops you from going past it and to the core). As an ODST you can only spawn in the frigate and drop/fly into battle.
    FPS Skittles Bugs life
    hey everybody!
    if anybody remembers the movie ``bugs life`` i have a good forge idea,during the one part where the ants make the fake bird and the real bird is attacking them I thought it would be cool if were an infection gametype taking place in the sky above the waters of forgeworld and how it would work is like this,1zombie spawns in a banshee at the beginning of the game and all of the ``humans`` would have infinite jetpacks and do no damage,the one banshee zombie would have to try to splatter all of the humans out of the sky! sorta like the bird trying to eat the ants!!! I would also add a round timer of maybe 2 mins

    Sabermax Zombie Survival
    Hey this is Sabermax (<--Gamertag) and this would be an awesome game (idk what to call it though!!!)

    Zombie survival bases: In this map/game the alpha zombie would start in a private location that has teleporters with big radiuses, and in the radiuses is a WHOLE weapon layout (seeing only, no touching) and the weapon layout teleporter teleports you to a spot that has the weapon layout so you can take it… (same concept with reg. zombies but less layouts to choose from…) Then another teleporter taking them into the playing field, BUT! The teleporters are blocked for 45 seconds (Give or take) so the Spartans can get a head start on getting to A base… “A” base meaning there will be 3 bases for Spartans to choose from to get to and defend at… the goal is to stay alive for 3 minutes (again, give or take) (3 rounds so each base can be tested (there’s also nothing stopping you from going to another base mid-game!!! )) (first zombie is first death! (don’t die!)) now for the 3 base ideas…
    1. The survival base:
    Ñ Advantages:
    · Many health packs
    · Only base with bubble shield
    · More base coverage
    · Base back exit

    Ñ Disadvantages:
    · Low tech weapons
    · Only armor lock, jetpack, and bubble shield
    · Almost zero weaponry coverage

    2. The heavy base:
    Ñ Advantages:
    · High tech weapons
    · A lot of weaponry coverage (snipers and turrets)
    · Has armor lock, jetpack, invisibility, and sprint

    Ñ Disadvantages:
    · Only two health packs
    · Least base coverage
    · No back exit

    3. The standard base:
    Ñ Everything in between the other two. A back exit. three health packs. Reg. coverage, reg. weapons, reg. abilities, etc…
    LRMAN0989 Kill the flying zombie
    Ok, so this is another idea including the Falcon. There would be one zombie that would fly a Falcon, and all of the humans would have jetpacks and would have grenade launchers. The map would be a very tall box with one-way shield doors at precise intervals (with aesthetics). The zombie would spawn in a mini room and get into a teleporter that brings him into the map).

    The main objective for the humans would be to hit the zombie with their 'nade launchers until the zombie goes through the death barrier. What keeps him from getting back to the top every time and make it impossible for the humans to win is one way shield doors that don't let you go up through them but you go down.

    The zombie's objective, is much simpler: avoid getting hit by the 'nade launchers and try to splatter humans at the same time (everyone would have 1 life so when humans die they don't turn to zombies and when the zombie dies it ends the game).

    So for each team's stats.... humans have very little damage resistance, do no damage at all and have unlimited AA. The zombie is invincible and so are vehicles (no dieing Falcon). Also, the zombie is the only one that can get into vehicles.

    How does the zombie win? By splattering the humans!
    LRMAN0989 Hold the 'hog
    Ok, so it's territories with the 'hog being - you guessed it - the territory! It would be multi-team so then the people who have the 'hog has a gunner. Now, the catch is, that all the other people who don't have the 'hog have rockets, but the vehicle is indestructible (so people don't blow up the 'hog). I'm probably also gonna make the 'hog as a rocket one. Also, the normal people (ones that aren't in the 'hog) would have unlimited AA so then they can armor lock down or jetpack as much as the want to get to the 'hog. Also, there may be 2 'hogs because I'll probably use the canyon or whatever (where the blood gulch remake is) and that's pretty big.

    Tips (that I think would give you an advantage when I build it and release it):

    1. Split up and try to capture both 'hogs and try to defend them somewhere.
    2. Jetpack onto the cliff (I'll let you have a little space on the edge of the cliff) and watch the map. When you see a 'hog coming, jump and use the jetpack before you hit the ground!
    Duckman620's DDay.
    Now im sure just about everybody has played or has at least heard of the infamous DDay on Last Resort(Zanzibar). Well there were a lot of restrictions on that map that stopped us from creating a good DDay gametype and map. Now that we have Forgeworld i plan on creating the best DDay map possible along with a good solid gametype to go with it.

    For the map I plan on building it on the cliff-face between the cave and the waterfall. It can be seen at 3:11 and 4:33 in the forgeworld ViDoc. Now on this cliff-face there are 2 "levels". I will build two pillboxes. Which will house a single machine gun turret in each. Then to the left of that theres a slighlty larger open area on the first "level" which can be seen somewhat at 4:33 in the ViDoc. I will have small bunker system and a shade turret there.

    Now the attackers will spawn in the colliseum. They will have a small choice of weapons and armor abilities. Then will walk through a oneway teleporter which will then randomly send them to 1 of 4 higgins boats. There goal will be to capture 4 territories. One located on the beachhead, and the other three spread throught the cliff-face. Now the reason i chose territories is because its the only gametype that i think actually makes sense for DDay. It really doesnt make any sense having to carry a flag or a bomb up the cliff and the only other 1-sided gametype just happens to be territories. Also the goal of this is to capture and secure the beachhead so capturing territories fits perfectly.

    You may ask why i have the players spawning up and away from there boats. Well theres a few reasons. 1 i dont plan on useing loadouts in this gametype. Mainly because i want the defenders to only have assault rifles. And 2 i want the higgins boat to be as accurate as possibl so having a pallet for a door then knocking it over will not happen on my map. So ill take the time to create the boats then have reciever nodes placed just below the "deck" of the boat. That way rather then shooting the attackers as soon as they see a pallet drop, they can just shoot them as they apppear. Now wont that be unbalanced. Well do you think the Nazis were thinking that while they massacred the US soldiers, i dont think so. But on a more serious note, i will make sure that the attackers will be able to make it to cover before dieing completely.

    Well thats all i could think of for now. Im sure after release things will change gametype wise but until then this is my idea of DDay in Reach
    Crypto nv: Asset Escort/Convoy like map
    The humans start off in an area which appears to be the top middle of Rats Nest. The area behind is blocked by rubble so they must head down towards one of the bases. They have to reach the open area of Rats Nest without dying. Once there they have to hold off against the covy for a bit before a falcon and two hornets spawn (at this point the spawning for the covenant changes and they have access to banshees). The humans must then make there way to a large base that is located on the island (will be on the rock if the island is too far from the collesium). The players must then enter the base (at which point the covy have access to new spawn locations in the base) and make there way to the 'control room' where they then have to hold off the covy again for a bit. A door will then open and allow the humans to reach the finish.
    Stouf's Adaptation Map
    A tilted and distorted chiron-esque map that looks exactly like the one I half-made in H3 (here) before I realized it was a lost cause. Basically there are 7 rooms, and 4 tilts to go with them. The "central" room is flat, two "hallways" are 40 degrees, 2 rooms are 45 degrees, and the two bases are 20 degrees. When I tried this in H3, there was a bug in the teleporters involving not recognizing that the player was in the teleporting range due to the tilt. The increased radius will help there. Also the snaps will make it much easier.
    PRSplayer42's Competitive Maps
    have 3 maps planned for creation, and some other ideas, but I'll explain my main 3.

    Pyschokinesis - I might as well remake Kinetica, and I'm assuming most of you know what it is. I don't know how, if I should add on to the layout or not or where to build it, but that is a bridge I'll cross when I come to it. Kinetica for those who don't know is a vertically-challenging map, inspired by epitaph and construct. It has many circular walkways around it and features some unique aesthetics as well as layout. The name is different because I feel the need not to remake Telekinesis, but use it to help insire some ideas for the map. Its like if Kinectica and
    Telekinesis made a baby. But Kinetica will be more predominant. Check out it's preview thread, it was very well liked.

    Esoteric - This is an urban-themed map. I worked on this map, known as Empire in H3 and never finished, so I plan to use all of Forge 2.0's abilities to enhance these maps. This will now have some rocky, underground tunnels that were part of the Sandbox design. It will be on the pocket but if the pocket is to small then it will be on a flat area, I don't know where else. The building will be taller than that of H3 and I will add some Falcons "flying overhead" with some vehicle cannons.

    Aperture - Aperture will take place in the lagoon area. It will be a rig-type structure with many rooms, floors, walkways, and such. It will not be an oil rig. It will have 2 water towers siphening the wterfall's water. But there will be a hole under the water towers and the water will leak into a room at the bottom, seeming as if the water is filling the room. That room will have water knee-high. The map will also have a rocky area, complete with tunnel to the facility and docks. It will be awesome.

    These are my main priorities when Reach is out. I will be back to edit and add pictures of the Sandbox versions of Psychokinesis and Esoteric. Arperture will have to wait.

    No stealing or I shall hunt you.
    TheGreatHibiki's Urban map
    A remake of three of my maps into one. Zombie Highway I-II/Ghost in the Shell/Sandstone City I-II to create a massive and exspansive urban styled map.

    Using an area of the map located near water and mostly flat reigon, probably near the lagoon, I plan to build a multi building/housing city with numerous sky scrapers and buildings, a raised highway and rail system and dock. This map will take some time as learning the forge to make the best looking/useable yet cheapest towers that won't expend the object limit.

    The GiTS/Sandstone city part of it is the tall sprawling metropolis and the roads that move around and through the city.

    The Zombie highway will be the crowded [maybe] highways you travel from the downtown to the residental side or docks.

    A second part to the Sandstone city I made would be the addition of the rail system again. However with the ability to use teleporters on vehicles and phasing I can make it a 'true' subway system. I feel the reverant would be the train but I would have to see.

    The final and NEW peice would be the docks. a feature seen alot in GiTS and the others like it.

    The final and most amazing thing for this if the bugget allows me I could make the highway lead to a seconf more rual town in the mountains (montana alaska area.)

    It would be easy to make the city but the parts I wish add might be too $ for the object limit. We will have to wait and see. Perhaps someone can go past that.
    LRMAN0989 Invasion idea
    Ok, so this is an invasion idea. The first phase would have the Elites jetpack across a giant gap in a bridge (the bridge would cross the sides of the Valley or Gulch or whatever it is, and the gap would just be a sections of the bridge blown up). After they stay in the territory-ish thing for 20 seconds, a one-way shield door would spawn and span the entire length of the gap in the bridge so their new Ghost and infantry without jetpacks can come through.

    Phase 2 would have the Elites go into a ONI Facility and go through a small tunnel (big enough for a Ghost to go through). Once they get out of the tunnel, they will be in a small room that is blocked off by a one-way shield door. They have to stay in there for 20 seconds.

    Phase 3 would give the Elites a Wraith, but the Wraith has to drop from a Phantom (the one you deliver the Core to). The Elite's job is to get the Core from another ONI facility just a little ways away.
    Rorak Kuroda Cave
    Well, I know what I'm doing. I absolutely love caves, so hopefully I'll be able to find a large, dark cave in forge world. From there I'll start work on a map that was originally planned for H3, not a layout, but an aesthetic idea. I've always loved how High Ground looked, the urban, military bases built into the hard rock, hidden from view. I want to do something similar, except in a cave.

    That's just a basic aesthetic idea, but in terms of using the objects and geometry that we already know of from the vidoc, I really want to do something involving The Rock. I'm picturing one base built into the cliff side, and another on the rock itself, with tons of floors and pathways extending from the top of the rock to the bottom and into the base on the opposite side.
    Stouf's Super Smash Brothers Map
    By using one way shield doors, rocks, and creating a very narrow playing field, I will recreate a SSB map. I know that if you pressed down you could drop through one of those platforms, but I think that shield doors will do the trick. I will make the shield doors just high enough that any straight jump on standard slayer will land you one level up.
    TruTrey Skyscraper
    a HUGE building where there are multiple floors. It can be used in just about any gametype. Bonus if there are multiple teams. I can see a good 10 floors. Maybe even an elevator.
    TheGreatHibiki Serenty
    Stouf's Train Station
    So this is just a typical train station, will have a lower area and an upper area, the upper area looks like a lobby while the lower one looks like a two sided platform. What is special about this map is the "trains" use electricity, so the rails are electrified. As in there is a small hard kill barrier on the tracks...
    Hibiki's LV-426 (or Hadley's Hope)
    Something this elaborate might be out of Reach's reach but I wish to try for my Alien's Gametype.
    Camofo (Unamed)
    IxFlashPointxI The Canyon
    The Canyon will be a competetive map which revolves around the center of blood gulch. They're will be a cliff made out rocks above the river. The Center of gameplay will be at the creek in a forerunner structure. It's going to be just out of jumping reach so to get across without going through the structure you'd have to have the Jet Pack armor ability.
    The Abyss
    Gametypes: FFA; KOTH; 2-4 Team TDM/CTF/Stockpile/etc

    My main idea is for there to be many Floating bases in the sky. They would be numerous, and vary in size with each one. With team battles in mind, the three biggest bases will be arranged as points on a square, and very far apart. In the center there will be a big base, but not as big as the main ones. There will also be many floating mini bases throughout the sky. These will specifically harbour desireables such as, weapons, powerups, medkits, and AA's.
    One special place is the oneway sheild door area above the center base. This area can be seen from everywhere on the map, and can only be gotten to by taking a gravity lift up from underneath the one way sheild. At the top will be the one and only gravity hammer, oversheild, and jetpack on the map.
    All bases or "floating islands" will be transversed by man cannons and vehicle cannons. NO flying vehicles.
    LRMAN0989 Infection RPG-ish idea
    Infection RPG-ish idea
    Ok, so since I'm not good at explaining things in paragraphs, I'll use little points to explain

    -There are 4 humans
    -They spawn way out from each other, spread across Forge World
    -There are 2 types of houses they can find along the way
    --Ammo house (shaped like this)
    --Health house (shaped like this)
    -The humans must make it to the 'safe zone' which is a last stand point on a bridge to the spire or rock or whatever that place is called that Bungie remade Ascension on.
    -The zombies would spawn on a platform in the air with teleporters to other places if I can't make selectable spawns for them
    -In places where people can't get up by normal means, I'll use turrets for things to use to climb up
    -There will be little gun cabinets in the ammo houses that have glass in front (so it'll look like a real gun cabinet)
    -Humans start with a magnum, and have 2 clips
    -Each ammo houses has 1 DMR with 0 spare clips (so it has 1 clip), and magnums with 1 spare clip (giving you 2 clips a house)
    -Zombies have no shields
    -Humans have no shields, and have a higher damage resistance so they have to find health packs after every hit
    -Zombies have Energy Swords
    -Zombies have 200% speed so they are fast but not too fast
    -Humans have 100% speed
    -No time limit
    -The 'safe zone' (bridge) will some how end the game with you winning (Gives you points for sitting in it like a KotH hill?)
    -1 round (1 round would probably take a while :p)
    -Zombies just have to try and kill the Humans
    -In the Health houses, there will be a 'test tube' in the center and you have to take a health pack from there
    -Each health house has 1 health pack
    -Ammo and Health houses are frequent enough to give humans a chance, but still makes it challenging
    -At the bridge, there are 2 mongooses so if only 1 or 2 people are there, they can try and go pick up their buddies and bring them (make it so they all have to be there? I'll find something :/)

    I also edited Elliot's map of forge world with locations of safe houses and spawns, although I may have to do it differently due to it not being 100% accurate and stuff. The color legend is at the bottom:


    Infection RPG-ish idea
    Ok, so since I'm not good at explaining things in paragraphs, I'll use little points to explain

    -There are 4 humans
    -They spawn way out from each other, spread across Forge World
    -There are 2 types of houses they can find along the way
    --Ammo house (shaped like this)
    --Health house (shaped like this)
    -The humans must make it to the 'safe zone' which is a last stand point on a bridge to the spire or rock or whatever that place is called that Bungie remade Ascension on.
    -The zombies would spawn on a platform in the air with teleporters to other places if I can't make selectable spawns for them
    -In places where people can't get up by normal means, I'll use turrets for things to use to climb up
    -There will be little gun cabinets in the ammo houses that have glass in front (so it'll look like a real gun cabinet)
    -Humans start with a magnum, and have 2 clips
    -Each ammo houses has 1 DMR with 0 spare clips (so it has 1 clip), and magnums with 1 spare clip (giving you 2 clips a house)
    -Zombies have no shields
    -Humans have no shields, and have a higher damage resistance so they have to find health packs after every hit
    -Zombies have Energy Swords
    -Zombies have 200% speed so they are fast but not too fast
    -Humans have 100% speed
    -No time limit
    -The 'safe zone' (bridge) will some how end the game with you winning (Gives you points for sitting in it like a KotH hill?)
    -1 round (1 round would probably take a while :p)
    -Zombies just have to try and kill the Humans
    -In the Health houses, there will be a 'test tube' in the center and you have to take a health pack from there
    -Each health house has 1 health pack
    -Ammo and Health houses are frequent enough to give humans a chance, but still makes it challenging
    -At the bridge, there are 2 mongooses so if only 1 or 2 people are there, they can try and go pick up their buddies and bring them (make it so they all have to be there? I'll find something :/)

    I also edited Elliot's map of forge world with locations of safe houses and spawns, although I may have to do it differently due to it not being 100% accurate and stuff. The color legend is at the bottom:

    #1 HLG FlashPoint, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I want to make a super long ramp off the cliffside and make the landing spot a KOTH Warthog manned vehicle. The Object, land on the warthog. -CombatGam3r, still needs tweaking.
  3. Wakapalypze

    Wakapalypze Forerunner

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  4. Gold

    Gold Forerunner

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    Silent Cartographer Multiplayer map, compatible with Firefight and Invasion too - was going to do Death Island, but then I realized how much more awesome the Cartographer is.

    If anyone would like to help, I'll be forging all day upon release and I'll be working on ideas for it up to the release of the game :D
  5. DisturbedShifty

    DisturbedShifty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I want to make a Normandy style map. Storm the beaches under heavy fire. Screw the Zanzibar/Normandy maps. LOL!
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm thinking about something to build round the waterfall and floating on the water :D
  7. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Same here xD a cliff side map with a cave would be nice.

    Really wanna start playing around with that little island in the ocean.
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm just gonna wing it lol...

    I'm up for a bridge map, like 2 bridges in parallel with a single bridge (still parallel) above them connecting all three bridges.
    At the ends of the main central bridge will be a base semi covered in the rocky cliff face.
    The two below bridges will swing round the back and enter the back of the bases from below.
    So kinda like Narrows, but not so much.
  9. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I start forge I'm going to make a map were everyone has unlimited jet packs and they have to keep flying or else they fall to there death. Then there will be a zombie or something trying to shoot them down and as each person dies they join the zombie making it harder for the humans. The zombie will probably have a spiker.
    #9 Rogue Shadow IV, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    UPDATE: The Ideas with long descriptions will be put in spoilers to make the thread look less sloppy. Also If you want to post a picture of the layout do so and I will update the thread.
    EDIT: All spoilers will be moved farther down the thread for Cleaning reasons.
    #10 HLG FlashPoint, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  11. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    I will be making a map in which it will be redvsblue and greenvspurple,with red and blue fighting on a horizontal platform floating in the sky with cover,structures,etc. while green and purple fight on the other side of the platform,essentially fighting upside down relative to the other teams.
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm probably just going to edit the pre-made maps, at least until I get a feel for the new UI and feel.
  13. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I would make a map that deals with driving a warthog in different spots all over Forge World. Like make some bridges in the sky to drive on, drive on the beach, through the forest, across the ocean, onto a small motocross track... stuff like that. It'll be really big.
  14. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've been thinking up ideas for a new distortion map on reach. I've tried to piece together some new ideas I can give the map based on what I've seen so far in videos and information.

    The vidoc showed bungie make what appeared to be a 3-sided distortion map (rather than my 2 sided one) so I'm going to try to design my map like that. A 3-sided map couldn't be done on Halo 3 because Spartans couldn't walk at those angles, but maybe they can now in Reach.

    I'm going to try and design a kind of Singularity reactor in the middle of the map, like a radiation chamber that interconnects different rooms of the map. Players can go through this area but the radiation will kill them if they stay there too long. I'll do this using those Safe Volumes Bungie announced. All the rooms will have safe volumes in them, but the reactor room won't, so you'll get the 10 second warning when you're in it. I can also make use of the new colours and pulsing effects on lights to make the room really look like a reactor.

    In the picture that shows a bunch of the forge objects for Forge World, the giant square item looks like a placeable grid, similar to the one on Sandbox but obviously moveable. If it's anything like the Sandbox grid then it should be solid to certain objects during custom games. I'll use this to make weird floating moveable objects around my map, to add to the distorted illusion. Picture a soccer ball rolling mysteriously through the air and you get the picture!

    There's also a part in the Vidoc that shows vehicles going over a light bridge, or maybe it's a one-way shield door. When you look at the video, you'll notice that the light bridge is invisble from underneath. I could use this to make strange walkways where, from underneath, it will look like players are walking on nothing.

    Most of all, I should be able to make my new distortion map way bigger than the old version!

    That will probably be the first map I make in Reach. I have other ideas too but I'm not giving those away!
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Idea with the grid is ****ing genius buddha (also, they confirmed a one-way shield door)

    It may sound cocky, but I don't want to give any of my ideas away. Basically, eerything that wasn't possible for me to do because of Halo 3s mechanics will find its way into reach and maybe you'll even see some old friends ..
  16. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm gonna make a whole map out of the rocks by phasing them together it'll look beast
  17. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    :surprise: i was just thinking that.. to make a proper realistic cave map. And with their already being some caves built in, this will help massively with the budget. Although I'm not sure that there will be too many rock objects, which could be a problem. lets just hope im wrong on that.

    To be honest, I think I have had a large number of great ideas (imo) for maps to make in Halo 3, but I've never been able to produce them due to issues with budget and forging techniques. With the new Forge, i feel i may finally have the ability to produce some of my dream maps, so for a while i think i will just be creating the maps i have had at the back of my head for a long time.
  18. Drizzt

    Drizzt Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have an idea for a casual race map. The race track would be enclosed in a tower, and would spiral downward until it reaches a vehicle teleporter that sends people back up to the top of the track. Behind the teleporter would be a pit (possibly into the ocean) at the bottom. The twist would be that killballs would spawn at the top and roll down the track into the pit at the bottom of the map. So people would not only have to race each other, but would also have to dodge kill balls.
  19. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    UPDATE: If you post an idea please but your name after the description.
    Example: Blblsbalsbaslashas-Thatguyoverthere.
    The reason for this is so I can copy and paste between pages easier.
  20. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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