Are you ever bored of making maps on foundry? Well i no I am. So I like to take breaks on other maps besides foundry, but I never know what to do. So I thought that showing all these non foundry maps would show you guys some ideas on maps. I will keep these updated. Last Resort Vertigo Compound 42B Hobo Heights Holding Cell Transportation Storm The Beach ShipWrecked! Azkaban Tunnel Raid 2.0 The Swings Ball Pit Amphibious Threat Snowbound No Mans Land Epitaph Open Field Platform Pillar of Death Construct Turner Pasture Boarding Action Narrows Albatross Hobo Heights v2 Valhalla Cat n’ Mouse Tremor Valley Rat's Nest Convoy Tunnel The Cellars The Last Level Hangar 02 Pit Stick Ball Fire Lane Area 52 Control Room Cell Block 71 Avalanche Cave Freaks (Fave Creeks) Yukon Canyon Coldfront Snow Mice Flying Saucers Standoff Gundam Shenlong Dragon Solaris Heatwave Blackout Lilly Pads Interrobang Map Packs AZN Cottage Map Pack 1 Aesthetic Map Pack 1 Minigame Map Pack 1 Aesthetic Map Pack 2 Minigame Map Pack 2 Aesthetic Map Pack 3 Minigame Map Pack 3 please tell me if I missed anything. Speacial thanks to xsharpshooter94 for the long list of maps.
Good thread. A nice little thing to look back on to find Non-foundry maps. This will definitely make things more easier and help some people out. But try to keep things more organized, and not so bland.
way to take my idea... you post on my thread and then go and make this...did you just copy and paste my links?
LOL I was just bout to edit this.. yea sorry for that, I forgot to give u credit, I will do that ASAP!
no prob. Thanks for the long list of maps. lol. How long did it take to make all the links and go through all the threads?
I don't know if you know but asking for a sticky basically takes a sticky away. And really taking someone elses idea won't get you a sticky either. This doesn't deserve a sticky but sharpshooters does. I recommend you take that out.
This is a great Idea. I loved these older maps when I used to browse forgehub before I became a member back in december. I suggest making the title of the original map (the pit, valhalla, snowbound, ect.) colored so you can see it better, but overall great job.
thanks for recognition but i think i might update my thread to include this so this map become obsolete
I found a slight mistake in your list, you have No Mans Land under both Last Resort and Snowbound, when it should really just be under Snowbound. I think you should right out all the non-foundry maps from them map packs and then just link them to the Map Pack post since not every map pack map is non-foundry.
Yea I know. Ghost town is a great map to forge on. I was expected to see at least one featured map. All the great forgers on forging on foundry now.
*cough* double post lol Hey nice concept, I kind of get the feeling you coppied sharpshooter's idea but still this has a different point of view, and i think both should be combined somehow and stickied
I knew someone would saw that I double posted lol. But I swear i thought vice ball was featured then I remembered that it wasn't on my list, so I thought I missed something and I didn't want to look it up. so yeah. Any way. I did get the list from sharp's thread, I just made the non foudnry ones.