I just realized that I've been taking a latin class, and I haven't even tried to translate Bungie's motto! So, after translating, this is what I got: NON(not/do not) FACETE( you plural imperative "make") NOBIS(us) CALCITRARE(to kick (with heels)) VESTRUM(your) PERINÆUM(pelvic region). Thus, that makes: Do not make us kick your pelvic region (with our heels). I lol'd.
Lmao, i remember when i noticed that I just gotta say, latin is the coolest language ever. Who cares if its dead, so is my sense of humor but that never stopped me! I lol'd
IE. Don't makes us kick your ass. I lold I think French is the best language for cursing though. +rep to anyone who gets the reference