Well this looks pretty good. Ima DL and get back to you later, probably on Sunday. If this plays as good as it looks, I will support you in atlas cuz the garbage that is flooding the Team Doubles playlist is upsetting. And yes, Sniper and shotty are power weapons, and putting a sword, hammer or other shotgun on here would be extremely fail. Maybe on a huge map but not a 2v2. So disregard that guys comment. As far as the spawn problem the other dude mentioned, I will check it out, but sometimes, with the default Sandbox spawns, the game will just pick a few spawn points and make you spawn there over and over again, no matter where your enemy or teamate is. It takes some tweaking and time but its fixable. I will check this out over the weekend and get back with you on some feedback. Looks cool though. For future refrence, Add a weapon list with the respawn times and spare clip amounts to the original post. Its not mandatory but it really gives you a good idea of what the map can play like before downloading. Like if you left the weapons at their regular 30 sec spawn rate (not that you did), you would know that the map creator didnt even mess with the weapon setup. Happens alot. Map is forged good and took awhile to build, then they just throw weapons down and post the map. I am positive you didnt do this by reading your post but its better to do the list I recommended. Thanks Edit: Okay I checked this out and I really like the map. It flows good and plays good, but, there are a few things that are gonna hold this back from Atlas. I know it can be a pain, but the grass flickering is very annoying, and Bungie might let a little slide, but the entire floor of grass is like a freakin disco ball light show. Besides that, the outer wall really need to be raised up because in an intense team doubles game, one skilled team can easily get up there and hold down the entire map just team BRing the other guys. Now if they get up there with that Sniper, its really bad news. Especially in the 40s to 50s matches. I know that you hit the item limit, so thats a hard task. Probably the only way to do that is to rebuild the entire map on a different canvas. I know that would be a real pain but thats all I can think of. I saw that you had alot of budget left over so raising that wall would have been very easy if you hadnt hit the item limit. I would suggest that you use the original item stacked canvas on your future maps to help solve this problem. On the stacked canvas, you can erase the objects and still make a great map and stay in the item limit. As long as you use all of the default spawns and objectives, the item limit isnt a problem. So I like the map and I wouldnt mind seeing it in the matchmaking but I dont think Atlas will accept it with the issues I have addressed but IDK, they have accepted garbage so they may take it with the problems. Good job though, I really like the map, I just wish it was on another canvass so you could fix those issues.
I respect your opinions and have considered much of what everyone has said. There will be a V2, the grass does not flicker, the top has been blocked, spawns have been redone thanks to the help of bartoge, and I've added lights for both aesthetics and because people thought the map was too dark.
Can't wait to see the v2 with the fixed grass. It is not something that really bothers me but when I played this map at lan some of the people who do not appreciate how difficult it can be commented on how "stupid" it was. Ha.