Noctilucent is a doubles map influenced by Lockout/Blackout and Guardian. Improvements from V1 No more flicker New weapons No power drain No shotgun Top is blocked off Lighting has been added A few weapon/equiptments spawns moved Weapon Spawns 4 BRs 2 Carbines 2 Plasma Rifles 2 SMGs 2 Needlers 1 Sniper 1 Sentinel Beam Top Lift Bottom Lift (Sentinel Spawn) Gold (Sniper Spawn) Main Bridge Blue side Top Blue Bottom Blue Blue Elbow Red Side Top Red Bottom Red Red Elbow Download Want to see this in the Team Doubles playlist? Shot support at atlas!
Hey man this map looks awesome but like stated above the link doesn't work. Please fix it so that we can download and test your map.
I personally loved the first version, I thought it played really well as a 2v2 map. The aesthetics are still as good as ever, and although you won't really be able to see the changes you've made, I'll definitely get it during playing. Good job + dl. I can't find a Noctilucent V2 in your fileshare, is it just Noctilucent? here's the link.
Nice map dude, good job fixing the flashing and getting up top, both were annoying. One thing though, is there still a bump in the transition from grass to stone? If so, you might want to fix that as it can get alittle annoying as well. Very good map though.
Glad to see you got a v2 out already, it is a good small map. Can I ask how you fixed the flickering grass?
I'm interested to see this. : Halo 3 File Details Working link for those who wanted to check this out. Hopefully he'll fix it in the OP.
I really wish there was an overview to this. The pics are too up close, I'm not sure if it's shaped like a castle or what...