A McFarlane toy to be released at San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) labeled "Nobel Seven". This is the only spartan toy to be released exclusively for SDCC. What do you think this could be? Will it coincide with new intel they are dropping at SDCC? Could it simply be a typo that occurred three times?
Its wearing all of the custom armor that comes from pre-ordering the highest pack, and doing it from gamestop. Also, on the b.net character profiles in the reach section it talkes about the death of a member that everyone feels very guilty for, so it could be him too.
I think you're right on this, because the character you play in campaign is whatever armor you wear in MM. I think this is the dead spartan you're replacing. PS gotta love that bandolier!!
Wouldn't that mean he would be wearing Recon Blast Shield? But yer I agree, it's probably something to do with the death of the spartan in the noble 6 and introduction of the new 7th member of noble 6.(aka You) Be funny if that toy is like Lego you get all the armor and you can stick it on how you want.
Actually Meta, what you have said may be correct as well. Technically the dead guy was the original Noble Six wasnt he? Which makes you the Seventh member of Noble Team. So it could have been intentional possibly.
Its a custom version of Noble Six that bungie custom chose the colors and armor of. They named it Noble Seven because its the bungie staffs own pick. You guys are reading really too heavily into it.
Yeah, Noble Seven's completely non-canon. They did take the time "creating a unique character", however.
well since Noble 6 is completely customizable, they just made a second model of some different spartan armor and called it Noble 7. Read previous posts on this thread, everyone is taking things too literally. They would have shown Noble 7 by now if there really was another member on the team.
*facepalm* Thats exactly what i said. I said that you are the seventh member of the spartan team, went into detail about it so that people who understand what i said, then said basically that for them to release another armor set would mean nothing because calling you SIX or SEVEN would make no difference, seeing as you are both. Its not taking it literally, its adding support to the reasoning behind all my logic, which is something that you should always do. "You are taking it too literally" is not support, its just accusations that do not relate to the point. Which is simply bad conversation cus then you might upset someone who, unlike me, actually gives a damn about what people say about them