Noble Park

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by thesilencebroken, Feb 11, 2011.


What do you think of this map?

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  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Noble Park
    Created by THE Fuglystick

    Recommended Players: 1-16
    Supported Gametypes: Race

    Press forward on the left stick, go down a hill, twist around a bend, repeat - does this sound familiar? That's right, I'm describing most race maps. Well, I have good news for all you race fans looking for something more. Noble Park was expertly crafted by THE Fuglystick to resemble a city race course, and it's designed to deliver an eye-catching ride.

    The wonderful use of Tempest's natural geometry makes your stroll through the park a vivid and colorful one. Another fresh spin is that there are multiple pathways to discover, rather than the standard linear path most of us are accustomed to. With lap times upwards of two or three minutes, and thirty-two checkpoints, there are dozens of routes that support competitive play. Download the map, load it up with your buddies, and let the race begin!




    Download Noble Park

    You can view the original map thread by the author here.

    Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.

    #1 thesilencebroken, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2011
  2. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Well deserved feature. Fuglystick makes some awesome race maps and I had a blast playing around with this one. Lots of opportunities for head-on collisions on this map too :p
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Grats on the first featured map on Tempest. And nice job on your first write-up TSB
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    This map was unique and fun. I'm happy to see it featured.

    I was most impressed with the successful use of Tempest's natural terrain. It can be really clumsy trying to forge on Tempest, but Fuglystick pulled it off expertly.

    Congrats !
  5. FxBreaker

    FxBreaker Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Grats on the feature.
    This map looks sexy as hell, ima DL
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Somehow, I knew this was coming.
    And somehow, it's one of the first in a few I find deserving.

    EDIT: I take it back. Forgot Rise and Blockade were featured.
    Still, deserving feature, yes.
    #6 Organite, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2011
  7. Vaccarelli

    Vaccarelli Forerunner

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    Wow, nice job Fugly! I would say this is definitely one of the best city maps to date for many reasons; the natural aesthetics, the layout, and you forged it on tempest! Congrats man. =)
  8. THE Fuglystick

    THE Fuglystick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thank you guys. I didn't realize I had been featured till a few minutes ago. And one of the first features on tempest? thats pretty cool. thank you for the honors
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is probably more fun with a lot of people, but I found this map to be a very boring drive by myself.
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Well forged aesthetic map. Looks absolutely brilliant with a wonderful use of the natural features boxed off to look like gardens.

    However, it plays like ass. Most of the checkpoints take you by surprise and seem to have been laid out with no actual thought behind them. It gives complete advantage to people who have played on it before while new players to the map just get lost.

    You even have to drive around the whole map 3 times revisiting each and every spot every time just to complete one lap. Makes it 9 times around the map for a supposedly quick 3 lap race. No matter how pretty a map is, that gets boring.
  11. FxBreaker

    FxBreaker Forerunner
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    its a race map.
    take it for what its worth
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If it's a race map then I fail to see why it was featured because it does not race well. If it was featured on aesthetics however, I have no complaints.

    Which was my whole point.
  13. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should work for Bungies advertising department, because this is the first time I consider to get the Mappack
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    LD, you should get xbox live before you bother wasting money on a pointless map-pack. So we can forge together n stuff.
  15. THE Fuglystick

    THE Fuglystick Ancient
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    Admittedly, one of the problems with this type of race is the route. City race maps are inherently difficult your first time out because unlike most races that have a clearly defined route by way of borders and a linear format, city race maps are more open, with a little free roaming involved. The checkpoints were laid out on purpose in the best way I could imagine to guide players along the path I wanted them to, but its true that the checkpoints give me a limited ability to successfully direct them. To a lesser extent, anyone will have an advantage on a map they've played versus someone who hasn't.

    Even I agree that the lap might have been a bit longer than it should be, in retrospect. I probably should have shortened it, but when creating the map I was trying to set up the route so that bigger parties would be full of crashes on overlapping sections of the map, so the redundancy was intended. I find that having to dodge other racers makes it more fun. With the exception of the two u-turns and the areas connecting each "section" of the map, racers never go over the same part of the track going the same direction.
    #15 THE Fuglystick, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    With the exception of aesthetic and most puzzle maps, most maps are meant to be played with others. I could say this same phrase about a lot of competitive, casual, and other race maps with a change to the word 'drive'. So, yea play it with other people as intended, which is the intention of the race genre in general then give feedback.

    I raced on this in a ten man or so free for all against players who had and hadn't raced on it before. I was one of those who hadn't seen the course before and I came in second place. I have some decent driving ability and a knack for correctly gauging turns. I felt the course was challenging to begin with and the added depth with players gave ample opportunity to those who took advantage of it. Mainly causing pile ups to move up a place, which is how I went from being second to last, to coming in second.

    Personally, I find the memorization in the checkpoints somewhat difficult, but easy enough to get the hang of a couple of times through. That's an advantage for players already familiar with the map, but I recognized the opportunity to cause collisions for racers ahead of me and took full advantage of that. It was fun for me and definitely fun for those in the lead as it kept them on their toes and focused on the objective. This is a case where, I may have been new to the map, but I used my brain to gain the lead. At one point, I was in first place, but I chose to negotiate a turn rather poorly and gave up first for second.

    I think this is a solid feature on the quality of the track alone. I was challenged by the course and I rose and I met that challenge. I didn't win outright, but I felt satisfied that I clawed my way to the top even though I started in the rear and without prior knowledge.

    I don't think all race features should match this difficulty though, even though it's not really difficult at all.
  17. HiddenForger

    HiddenForger Forerunner

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    This map is awesome; the scenery was great, and was forged on a hard map to forge. The only complaint is that it starts repeating before a lap ends. Expertly made race map though. Me & my friends loved it.
    #17 HiddenForger, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  18. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    I had my eye on this map for some time now. I'm really glad that it got featured!
    The aesthetics and the use of space are unfigginbelievable, plus it is fully functional, when the mongoose traffic slows down, this is where I want to hang out on Valentine's day

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've thought of making a park-like map, but I never would have thought to make it on Tempest. Good Show.
  20. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    nahce maaap

    lovin the map dude it looks sick

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