-From what I hear there is no aesthetic section for that contest. -can't say that these take forever, I spend most of my online time in matchmaking or customs. When you get down to the last 10% of any aesthetic projects (polishing phase) things tend to slow down quiet a bit. -The plan is to finish the entire Noble team with one of its most notable members as last. The last addition will most likely be released as a "map pack" with flashy graphics, cool video with all members, etc.
Ughh, now I have two Jun's to annoy me on Nightfall! When will this end?? Edit: Nice forge art though, hopefully there won't be a 2nd Kat, though. She's the most annoying of all!
Kat was a very distingwished character in Reach, but also has a very negative community perspective-don't need to go into the detail. If Kat's time comes, she will be respected as a part of noble team. Most likely it will have something to do with the Deliver Hope live action film.
My ***** exploded because this is ****ING AMAZING!!!!!!! Grim, this is your best forge art yet. Its completely detailed, I cant tell Jun from campaign looks any different. Forge objects were used thoughtfully. Jun just seems to be the perfect model for you to forge. Whats your secret? Someone feature this NOW!
I would tell you that Jun dies in the book "The Fall of Reach", but that would make me have to go back and edit my post.
That's disgusting. Crap. Now I need to find some way to get back on topic...umm, good job? Really, this might just be your...first...second...fourth...I don't even really know which Feature. I'm hoping you just get some custom title made specifically for you. "Aesthetic Soldier", maybe? Anyways, congrats. Cheers, HarisSales.
awesome. i also find it cool that jun will actually fire the sniper. i think the coolest part though is that you made a hood with the rocks.
This stage is amazing! Not only does it all look totally awesome, but the sniper really works! Everybody needs to have a copy of this! Can't wait for your new forge submission! Keep up the great work!
The detail of this sculpture was great. I know it must have been hard getting all the detail of the sniper rifle. Very creativity how the did the gillie net on his neck. Very cool. DL and liked Also just to show my stupidity I didn't know the sniper rifle actually fired until after I saw this post.