Hi, I am currently building a map in which I need a obeject to bot spawn until a second of the same object is destroyed. Is there any way to make sure that it doesn't spawn within the three minute spawn time?
Sadly, no, the 3-minute spawn is maximum. The only things higher than 3 minutes is not spawning at all, but that won't help you out. I really think Bungie should have increased spawn times to up to around 10 minutes. Sorry, dude.
I think objects set to never respawn can still be force spawned by min/max tech. If it's a vehicle, you can bump the spawn time up by making the object spawn at less than 180 seconds then fall into a kill ball, and a mancannon spawns at 180 seconds to push the object away from the kill ball the next time it spawns. If you get creative with this and some fusion coils you could increase the spawn time indefinitely.
Just curious but why are you trying to spawn objects late? you could try spawn sequence if using objective markers however I'm not sure if you can do this in slayer. Good luck though