Keep in mind they could also just have an update and add more acheievements including finding skulls on multiplayer maps like they did for Halo 3.
Skulls where way too easy to find. I think they just wanted to space out more achievements between all the game modes.
No skulls confirmed. Don't stop look tho cuz there is other stuff to find!! Brian Jarrard = NeoGAF - View Single Post - Halo Reach & Bungie at GamesCom 2010
ok, so no findable skulls, maybe they pulled an ODST and put audiologs all over or something of the sort
Maybe finding Halsey's Video Journals or some of her audio logs? Or secret weapons like the scarab gun or experimental AAs!!
Just because there are guides doesn't mean they won't put them in to find. After all, someone had to find them initially to write the guide. There's probably another reason.
I always love a challenge and getting skulls is mainly one of them when it comes to Halo. Skulls are almost like a tradition, but I guess they just make it like ODST and they are already there. Kinda sucks.
the skulls will just be things you can turn on, cause we're so used to having difficulty multipliers the real easter egg hunt in reach will probably be something we haven't thought of, something completely new, and it will be awesome. Just because they aren't skulls, doesn't mean they aren't there.
We all know that Bungie is notorious for laying ****-tons of easter eggs from their asses. This being their last Halo game I would expect that they'd do something that if found had a profound impact on the game. Then again, they may do something totally unexpected. They may lay an egg that isn't even Round! [/metaphor] =D
Maybe, just maybe, we have to find little terminal thingies or something, but when you find it you unlock a firefight map! or maybe you find covenant communications devices and they make clues as to what is going to happen at reach in the end of it... just ideas.
i want a scarab gun back, i really don't care for the skull finding i was to easy, but i did like the audio logs from odst, because they added a new story to the game. If they brought back a scarab gun in halo reach i would want it at the beginning of a level instead of having it near the end where you don't really get to use it, also maybe make it so you can carry it with onto the next level . although the focus rifle kinda reminds of the scarab gun just it does less damage and the beam is smaller. if they where to put one in it would have to really hard to get.