I NO SCPOPED THIS GUY IN TEAM SLAYER AT 'THE PIT' DOWNLOAD http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=darkmist117
That really doesnt show if it is a no scope. No scopes should be a video and also in montages. A screenshot could be a total lie.
thats pretty sweet but only if a: it really was a no scope b: if the people you where playing against where at least over 40
a i can agree with, but the fact of them being over 40 doesn't really matter if they're going to get their head blown off regardless... anyways, this picture is rather nub anyways, you should learn to take off the names, and etc...add some effect to it, some emotion, grab people, then you will have a good pic on your hands...