No More DLC For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I did a little research trying to figure out why Halo hasn't annouced another map pack. Or at least even mentioned more. This article was posted before the release of the 2nd (Final) Map Pack: Defiant. Why do I mention Final? You'll see at the very bottom it mentions "The Final Map Pack: Defiant will release on March 15."

    So what does this mean. Has Bungie, 343 and Certain Affinity closed shop on reach and moved on? I believe this. Mainly because Certain Affinity is working on a XBLA Title, While Bungie is working with Activision and of course 343 is working on the next best Halo title and a reboot to the best original Xbox title, Halo:Combat Evolved.

    Lets face it, The only reason why Halo still has about 100,000 people online each day is because of the amazing community. I'm sorry if you took this as a rant. It isn't suppost to. I'm just a little pissed after reading this article. And I hope they will make a third. Halo:Reach must contain the same respect as previous halo titles. Halo 2 had like what 6 map packs. Halo 3 had about 4 Map Packs plus a Bungie Day Bonus. I hope they don't let it go this quickly.
    #1 Devil95, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2011
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    They gave us Forgeworld; I think they mean for us to breathe our own life into Reach, while they move on to bigger things.
  3. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    Its probably not the final map pack, I think the article just meant that the map pack is the last one being made by Bungie, and Halo CEA comes with 7 new maps.
  4. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    That article states nothing more than Bungie is no longer making any Halo reach maps, it by no means says there will not be any more maps created for Halo Reach.

    You also have to remember that those 4 map packs came out over the time over a few years, while there was 2 released within 6 months of reach's release
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    First off, the Halo CE Anniversary will have 7 multiplayer map remakes that use Reach's multiplayer. That is technically another map pack just like the Mythic Maps II were to Halo 3.

    Second, that article only talked about how Bungie was done, not 343i nor Certain Affinity. Despite the fact that the other 2 developers are working on other projects, keep in mind that developers are able to handle a lot on their plate (like Bungie tackling ODST/Reach while working on the H3 community) and Certain Affinity has always worked with multiple titles at once (they work on a very broad range of games/DLC at once).
  6. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Well Halo 2 = 6. Halo 3 = 4. Halo Reach = 2. Makes sense. Hah, but seriously. I believe reading sometime ago that Bungie was done with map packs after supervising Defiant. And i BELIEVE they said something about 343 (or whoever now has the license, i dont follow closely) maybe making another. But it all comes down to the license-holding company now. And like you said, all companies are tied up now so it is unlikely any of them left a small group to make a new map pack. And like pinohkio said too, Bungie created Forgeworld to be the ultimate forge experience and i guess they didn't expect the awe to wear off this quick. As for non-forge maps, we're just gonna have to wait until halo 4 or the halo ce: HD remake.
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    True, but bungie made those 4 map packs. I know Certain Affinity made the best map pack so far out of the 2. There working on their own game. Plus, 343 is working on CE remake. Which doesn't leave us to much. I do realize that Halo:CE Remake will work just like ODST.

    Get the Remake and a Bonus Disc with new maps. If you remember correctly, that's were bungie left halo 3 and went to reach. 343 will probably do the same.
  8. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    what about for they're final halo-type bungie day, they release a new sort of forgeworld?
  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Still a little bit of unwarranted panic. At no point did 343i say they would discontinue content for Reach. You just have to be patient, the other map packs were released over the course of years.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Bungie already said bungie day wouldn't be ground breaking.
  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I heard from someone who heard from someone else who saw a rumor about a new Forgeworld based of Sandbox and Sandtrap being released sometime in 2012.
  12. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    To be honest, I wouldn't care.
    The DLC so far hasn't been great, and unless its forge related, I probably won't use it.
  13. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Dont forget that on the Anniversary Disc there will be seven remakes from CE going straight into Reach Matchmaking. Along with a new Firefight map is that floats your boat.
  14. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Im looking forward to that Firefight map. Unearthed was a fresh entry into the tried and true formula of Bungies FF maps, but it has become a little stale. Id like something new and interesting.

    But regarding the MM maps, Im fine with what they have already. Five new maps are a welcome addition to whats already there, but a lot of people I play online against dont have any downloadable content, so I rarely get to play on the new maps unless I go into the dedicated Playlists. That, and I only really play SWAT, so the only DL maps I get to play are Condemned and Anchor 9. But veeeeeery rarely.
  15. Rothmeyer

    Rothmeyer Forerunner

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    I hope Bungie gives us a free map on Bungie Day like they did in 2008.

    How awesome would it be if Bungie brought back Sandtrap for everyone and wrote "Love, Bungie" in the sand?
  16. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    exactly, except its 6 remakes + 1 firefight...thats like 2 DLC's if you think about it!
  17. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    To me... Unearthed is just too big. It's great you got room to drive, but I'd personally prefer a smaller map with more cover. Most people frown upon people using the rocket hog and destroy it anyways...
  18. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I actually usually just hang around the shed (spawn point) when Im playing, as I usually only play Score Attack, so the size doesnt bother me. Also, Waterfront sucks. That is all.
  19. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    i dont think its too big, but i see where you are coming from... either way it is one of my fav. FF maps
    #19 Apollo Creed 01, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
  20. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    It means Bungie will not be making map packs anymore... That article was dated March 7th 2011. The following week Defiant hit the marketplace and that was made by 343i so I think you can have faith that other than the HD remaster maps coming in Fall.

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