Introduction No, Its my pleasure...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HellsRequiemAMX, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WHAT THE HECK IS UPPPP FORGE HUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. You guys looking for a BIG FAT NOOB? WELL HERE IT IS HELL YEAH. Well mind my craziness, here is as I say a bit of my biography: I am 14 years of age, I shall be a freshman in highschool this september, I love art, I love metal, I love anime, I love boobies, I love food, umm... Lots of other stuff, but main thing here is that, forge hub just gained another member w00t. I love graphic designing on the computer I have been doing so since I was about 11 I aspire to be some sort of modern designer when I am older, the metal I like is mostly death metal, black metal, metal, and a plethora of others. My favourite anime/manga's are Bleach, and DeathNote. It is my pleasure to meet everyone at this community, as I have been searching for one community that is forge based for quite a bit of time, and then my buddy who looks around on forge hub told me about it, yet he isn't registered so I could not refer him, anyways, I can't wait to get involved, I have some noob maps that is looking for some CnC (comments and criticism). If you would like to view my artfolio as I say you can just clicky here: googleops - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Alot of those on the first few pages are requests and some may not seem appealing to the eye because I have this ability to put my self in someone elses eyes and make myself see what someone else would think looks good, but my signature is all about my eyes, anyways, THANKS FOR READING :D.
  2. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello crazy screaming kid, welcome to forgehub. whats up?
    And i clicked on the link, for the pics of your map, and got nothing, maybe you could embed them?
  3. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haithar, you seem pretty funny to me, look around in the Forging 101 section and the rule section.
    And before you post, look around a bit and make some friends. :)
  4. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG I AM GETTING NEW FRIENDS TODAY **** YEAH... Wait what did you say mom? From bestbuy? I GET TO BUY MY FRIENDS HELL YEAH!

    LOL Jokes, yeah I just checked out the Forging 101 section and I like the objects into geometry technique I will definetly use that in my next map, and ill recomend some of my buddies on my list to get their asses over here, this place rules lol.

    I will embed them in a thread I will start in the Graphics Area, also, I might "seem to scream alot" but don't worry I am chill quite more than I scream, :), I also use alot of emoticons, but the ones I type don't seem to work :/. But I love this place already lol.

    IM NOT A KID WAH WAH WAH WAH. Atleast I sound 19... :). I act like im 2. Can you guys hit me with an invite some time on forge? My tag is HellsRequiemAMX, I want to see some pro forgers in action lol. I forgot to mention I am 6 feet tall, I am also from east india, but no accent or anything stereotypical about me, except my stash LOL. Anyways ill be on Xbox quite alot during... summer, school this year is important since I am applying to an art school in January I need atleast 85%'s across the report card... If I am not playing Halo 3 I am playing with my **** or probably playing Star Wars TFU demo, or watching anime, or listening to metal.
    #4 HellsRequiemAMX, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  5. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lolololololololololol. But emoticons can't express how you would say these things in real life.

    And yes, you CAN buy friends here on ForgeHub. :)
  6. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey well welcome. you seem... energetic. good luck with your maps.

    FH is a great community and you'll make friends fast. plenty of ppl like metal also
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And who says metal fans are dull and quiet? Hey there dude. As a fellow metal fan (I have tendencies anyway), I have to ask you of you've heard of/like Opeth. Be warned that if you say no you will be subject to a long rant educating you on the subject, gratis of course;)

    For a new member you already have a damn nice sig, and you should feel right at home in the graphics and arts section, your sort are very useful.

    Anyway, welcome to FH, enjoy your time here, you should certainly bring some energy to the place.
  8. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if you want to see a pro map, just check my sig ;)
    And i know you don't scream liek that haha, its just me countering a joke, with a joke. So have fun and post some maps
  9. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Replying to Murdock: I have heard of Opeth, but not heard them, I will check them out for sure, I love metal, no matter what, actually if you guys are on Xbox Live read my bio, and have a blast reading it, GT: HellsRequiemAMX (like fifth time I posted pointlessly about my GT lollololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol).
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No... It's MY PLEASURE!

    Hello and welcome to Forgehub, if you brake the rules I will feed you to clowns.

    And if you fail in the off topic thread then you will be fed to Clowns ok.
  11. The God of Grunge


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    Welcome to the Forgehub, strange screaming man. Enjoy your stay, and try not to piss off the locals
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you need any help posting your maps, then you can check the customer service section, it helps out. Good luck while your here, crazy screaming man.
  13. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The senior T-shirts at my school have precise instructions on how to hunt a freshman. It kind of funny.

    Things like "Freshmen will stay in groups, so slowly pick off them from behind."

    Anyways, welcome to Forgehub!
  14. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol nice intro! i hope you enjoy your stay at forgehub!

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