Map preview of part 2. No Hope is a campaign being worked on by myself and a couple other guys. What we're trying to do is recreate a Left4Dead campaign but in Halo. The objective is not to camp and last the whole round, but to get to the designated destination while trying to survive. Map is almost ready for testing, please send me a VM, PM, or thread comment if you would like to participate. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I've changed a lot of the things from part 1. The gameplay(weapons will be more accurate, enemies, ect) is going to feel a lot more like L4D than episode 1, no more annoying running into a door with a car, easier to understand and a less breakable map design. Now I'm not done it yet, there's still a crap load to be done. Everything you see may and probably will be changed. Especially the aesthetics. Looking at these pics, I can already tell what needs to be changed. Help Room The theme is a city, maybe even a bit urban looking when I start the aesthetics of the map.(Geez what's with all the urban maps recently?) I'm trying to get the basic layout down right now, but expect to find the following in the finished version. help room start(with a door) crescendo event working class system There's a couple other things, but I don't want to say them yet. Expect the map to come out hopefully before ODST releases. Layout wise it's about 80% done. Name=undecided. I'd like to incorporate the 'on' though. Here's part 1 of the campaign if you haven't seen it. Map is almost ready for testing, please send me a VM, PM, or thread comment if you would like to participate.
wow looks really good so far i like the crashed warthog part alot i hope it turns out great the first one was fun and i can see this being better
Pretty good from what I can see right now, so this is the 'sooper seecrtz' project you've been telling me about? I can see in the help room a SMG and a mauler. Explain? I like the crashed hog as well.
So what happens when humans reach the safe room? Is there a way to end the round there or something? Sorry, I never played P1, but ill try that first. It looks great so far though. What do humans get for weapons? SMG, Shotgun, AR, Sniper, Pistols? One thing that you should do (if you havent) to give a huge L4D sense to the infected, make it so that zombies can have a different way to go around the city like they could spawn in a room that can lead them to the rooftops. If you dont care, ignore the red (lawl) For making it so that zombies can climb pipes (I saw this in a new jump map) make a scaffolding and have the metal pipe sticking out only. Merge human turrets into the wall (so that only the back/handles are sticking out) zombies can then grab the turret and when they get off (press jump) they can jump off of where they are holding the turret, after jumping, grab another turret (higher up) and do the same thing until they reach the top. It ends up looking like a pipe comming out of the wall with turrets merged in the wall. that people can climb- this could be good because if humans cannot use vehicles, then they cannot climb the pipe due to the fact that turrets are considered vehicles. That or a grav lift (but then humans could use it unless they have high gravity/ fat people) If you have no clue what Im saying- Download this jump map and see what Im talking about Its in the beginning.
Yes, this is the one I was telling you about. And like I said, I'm going for a more L4D feel. Mauler=crappy shotgun, SMG=SMG. Those are the starting weapons and they'll get better as you progress. I'll test it out a bit, and if that doesn't work then I'll switch up the weapons. First Tier weapons Uzi SMG=SMG pump shotty=mauler Second Tier Weapons auto shotty=shotgun sniper=sniper M16 assault rifle=BR Part 1 used teleporters for a quick way to get around the city.
Okay, well the general layout is pretty much done, the switches are still a bit glitchy, but other than that and the aesthetics, it's almost done. I'm at a problem right now though. My first intention was to make the escape vehicle that you had to get to a train, but I have no idea how to make one with the objects on sandbox. So I'm kinda stuck on that right now. Anyone else got any ideas? I'd prefer to go with the train, if anyone has a good design for one and would like to share it with me, it'd be greatly appreciated. If not, then that's okay but I'll need another escape vehicle idea. Open to suggestions. Updating with some more pics in a bit. Here ya go.
i had some ideas for a train on one of my maps that i think might work if you want just send me a party invite any time i am online GT jakob hunter
Okay, the map is almost ready for testing. I just need to work out some bugs on the switches, finish a little thing, and add last touch up aesthetics. Shouldn't take too long, and I might even start testing on Friday or the weekend. If you would like to help test, send me a VM, PM, or just comment in the thread. Thanks. Oh, and I won't be updating any more pics, I've given a fair bit of the map away already.