Hi. I was wondering... is there any way to make a map where football/soccer can be played where *no* honour rules are needed? For example, perhaps the ball entering the other teams goal, triggers the team who scored the goal the ability to plant a bomb and score a point. Are there any forge techniques that could do this? Perhaps the gravity manipulating techniques?
I doubt it, I was thinking bomb on grav lift, players 0 damage and have to shoot the ball onto the lift too make the bomb fall down, allowing them to score. Buteeh, since the lift has to be vertical to affect the bomb it couldn't be destroyed by a ball. And also, a player could just jump and take the bomb. I'm starting tah think of Halo Basket, where you'd toss the bomb to each other and would only use melee weapons and oneshot-kills, to make passes useful. Could work. Allthough every shot would have to be a dunk :O *Offtopic* I've been gone for a week, and now HMP is free and lockouts being remade!! /cheer
I know a map that had it. It was called FIFA Stadium 3 and it was in the minigames section. You can look for it if you wish. The trick was using mancannons to shoot the ball up to the upper level where a VIP with a fuel rod gun could shoot out and the ball would kill the VIP on contact. Then the round ended and another one began. The VIP had the fuel rod gun so there would be no griefing. EDIT: Link is here: FIFA Stadium 3
Ooh, that FIFA Stadium 3 is a very good way to have a football map without honour rules. The *only* disadvantage being that someone *has* to be the goalkeeper, and you can't do 1 v 1. I had another idea. Perhaps once the ball is in the goal, gravity lifts and mancannons move it to an off pitch area where it whacks into some fusion coils, which opens a passage into a room where the team who just scored can enter and score a flag cap- once the cap is scored a mancannon pushes them out onto the pitch. Just brainstorming ways this could be done.