No Honor Rules Soccer

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Ufochaser42, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    *Edit* - Please read the entire post and all replies/comments before replying. Thanks.

    I have created a proof of concept map to test out my idea for a honor rules-free soccer game that also keeps score automatically. These are the two biggest complaints i have heard with regard to soccer game, so i made the following map as a prototype to test out if it is feasible and fun. I am asking for help from the many Forgehub members to test this out and give feedback, so we can create the perfect soccer game.

    Right now, it is a one-sided map only: one offensive team trying to get the ball past one defensive team into the one goal. It is designed to be played with 4 vs 4. It could in thoery stand alone as a game without needing to turn it into a full fledged soccer game. It is code named:

    Dunk Tank

    Cick any screenshot to enlarge.

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    The concept is this. The game is a VIP variant. Each team's VIP is trapped in the goal and is invincible. The VIP is standing just inches above a teleporter which leads to his death. The only thing keeping him from dropping into the teleporter is a platform of fusion cores, topped with a pallet.

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    When a goal is scored, the ball gets propelled through a tower that is behind the VIP. At the top of the tower are fusion cores. The ball knocks the fusion cores down onto the VIP, causing his platform to explode, and dropping him into the teleporter to his doom. The offensive team gets a point, the round resets with all objects back at their starting point, and teams switch sides.

    The following screens show a cross section of the tower behind the VIP.


    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    I think the theory is sound, and i tried to put in place features to keep people from cheating. I put up shield doors around the fusion cores so they shouldn't be able to be shot at. I put teleporters in front of the goal so people can't just jump in to score. But i need further testing to see if there is anything i may have missed. Please don't worry about aesthetics just yet. I know it needs some tweaks in the appearance department. That will happen after the game play is ironed out.

    I am also needing VIP variant suggestions to make it as fun as possible, and to fix any problems. This is the part of Forging i am least familiar with, and could use the most help with. I would be to indebted any of the guilders who would be willing to team up on this and come up with the best Game Variant options for this to be fun and playable.

    Right now, the goalie has 300% damage, a battle rifle, and an assault rifle wiht unlimited ammo so he doesn't feel completely useless in the cage and quit out of boredom. The VIP also has high gravity, so he can't jump too high. That way he can shoot at different angles, without jumping so high as to obscure his vision. This allows him to participate in the game, and to defend himself against the offense by killing them, or by shooting the ball to deflect it away from the goal. The players on the field have shotguns and swords, and have 300% damage resistance so they are difficult, but not impossible to kill.

    Please have a look and give feedback. I will give credit to anyone whose ideas are used in the final version.

    Download Map Here

    Download Gametype Here
  2. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: Auto-scoring, No Honor-Rules Required, Soccer Ball-Based, Dunk Tank of Doom!

    Its a very good idea, I like it. However who wants to be the guy stuck up in the box waiting to die. That my only complaint

  3. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: Auto-scoring, No Honor-Rules Required, Soccer Ball-Based, Dunk Tank of Doom!

    That is why i need some game variant help. Right now, he can shoot at the ball to keep it away in an act of self-preservation. He can also kill enemies with one shot of his trusty pistol. I thought these two things might keep the VIP active and engaged, but like i say, any other suggestions are welcome!
  4. distance 0

    distance 0 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    Wow. I will download and try to help with any suggestions. Most of the game/map sets i make are vip variants so maybe i can assist your wonderful idea. Do you mind if i add you to my friends list so i can message you over live?
  5. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    Seems interesting and very well thought out, i'll give it a try and let you know at a later date.
  6. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    I would just make the VIP invincible, lower the shield doors so they only cover the fusion coils, make all players have 200% the normal life of a spartan,and then give the "scorekeeper" a spartan laser. Since you're teleporting the VIP outside of the map, he'll die despite his invincibility. However, people cannot shoot at him or at the fusion coils since the shield doors are still there. But he can shoot outside of his box with a spartan laser, and will kill people in 2 shots. This makes killing people slightly hard, but also time-consuming. To make it more worth it, you could also raise the respawn time for people, which would also prevent constant goal-scoring to give a point each time.

    Lastly, you should consider expanding the field to accommodate 2 teams. :p

    I certainly wouldn't mind being a "scorekeeper" for a team if it were like that, since it would be kinda fun.

    I hope some of my suggestions helped. xD
  7. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    Thats actually ingenious, but i would hate to be the scorekeeper. What if you made something like crates or something fall into a slot when hit so that you could count the crates or w/e and know how many points everyone has, that way noone is stuck in a hole doing nothing.
  8. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    lol it reminds me of a dunk tank.... in fact im gonna make a dunk tank map now...
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    The only problem I see is spawning teh VIP in there.
  10. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    ya this is why bungie should have added objective like things to forge... so like if you do something you get a point...
  11. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    You could have them spawn in there with the VIP high gravity. Then put a teleporter just out of his reach but everyone else can get there.
  12. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    Good point. I forgot to mention that it is set up for 4 vs 4. As long as there is 4 players on the defending team, a VIP will always spawn in the goal.

    The only problem with that is that the VIP could use the explosions to launch to the teleporter.

    Um, that's why its called Dunk Tank. Guess i forgot to mention that in the main post. And you wouldn't have noticed if you didn't click the download link.

    That is kind of in the "honor rules" area i am trying to avoid. I want to make something you could put into matchmaking for instance.

    That is pretty much what i did. However, i cant give the VIP a Spartan Laser. I tried your suggestion, but testing it revealed that he could destroy the fusion cores above him. In fact, that just brought to mind a problem i will have to fix, no matter what weapon he has. So thanks for the feedback.

    Thanks for all the feedback so far guys. I just updated the Gametype with some tweaks. Please download the new game type and try it out.
  13. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    Can fusion coils go through shield doors?

    I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.
  14. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    yes, and yes... lol. That was my thought as well. I'm waiting on more feedback before making any changes to the map. I'd rather do as much as i can in one go, if possible. Thanks Phoenix.
  15. Grimz13

    Grimz13 Ancient
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    Re: Would you kindly help with an auto-scoring, Honor Rules-Free, Soccer Game?

    that dunk tank is teh awesome
  16. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: Honor Rules-Free Soccer

    Sounds great, and I love the concept. The only problem is I would never want to be the guy in the cage.
  17. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    Re: Honor Rules-Free Soccer

    you could just make him a zombie type guy. like in hobo heights.

    after this is done u should try and come up with more carnival games.
  18. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: Honor Rules-Free Soccer

    That seems to be the ongoing issue. Now we need to work on ways to make it fun for the VIP as well. Any suggestions? I had toyed around with the idea of giving him 1-shot kill. Thoughts?

    LOL. Didn't even think of that, since this was more meant as a prototype for a 2-goal soccer game. What other Carnival games would you like to see?
  19. eating beans

    eating beans Ancient
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    Re: Honor Rules-Free Soccer

    Its a good concept but as said before who wants to be the one trapped I think bungie should make a soccer game type
  20. x blade x68

    x blade x68 Ancient
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    Re: Honor Rules-Free Soccer

    Nice map it looks like it was difficult to make...good effort

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